chapter 16

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italics= thoughts from jess

bold=thoughts from Wendell

italics and bold= James thoughts In jess's head.

"J-James I'm n-nervous," Jess whispered during the car ride, "It's alright honey, just remember basic rules, and any specifications should be followed as specifically as possible," James said turning and smiling at her. After a half-hour more driving they arrived at Jacks house. Emmet got out of the car and helped Jess out as well James looked at Jess sympathetically, "I'm sorry I need you to wear this," he whispered holding a collar in his right hand. She nodded, "yes, master," she said going back to her soft whisper, "that's a good pet," James said winking at her while putting the collar on, and passing her off to Emmet. They walked up to the door and rang the doorbell, "hello lord Emmet, james and your pets name?" Jacks oldest pet,Gray, greeted them. "Hello Gray, my pet is Jess," Emmet said,"ok well she has been paired with... oh, uhhh she's been paired with, prince Wendell," he said, looking down at Jess sadly. "so follow Jenna when she comes to find you and drop your pet off on the left, Jenna will be on your right," Gray finished letting them in to the mansion. Jess turned left as instructed, and met a 30 ish year old woman who led her to a set of doors and into a room full of Vampires who looked down at her and then up at the woman who just shook her hed and kept walking until they met another set of doors. The woman kept walking throught the  door and finally stopped, Jess looked up to see Wendell looking down at her with an emotinless smile. the woman left and the emotionles smile turned to striaght face then a frown.

a/n mild violence if that stuff makes you uncomfortable skip to next chapter.

"Hello Jessebelle," Wendell said, "do you know why i requested you?" He asked, "n-no master," jess replied. "New rule since you know all my others, no stuttering, starting when you got here, so that's one punishment," Wendell laughed at his new game. "Anyway i requested you becuase your new owners seem to have fixed your spirit, and we can't have that can we now?" Wendell said, "no m-master," Jess said crap stutter. "Wow you broke that rule again huh" Wendell said, "Jessebelle, I'm going to have to break your spirit again what a shame," Wendell said shaking his head. "follow me Jessebelle," Wendell added and began walking out the doors Jess right behind him. Wendell continued to walk to a dimly light hallway until they Reached a room with a plaque that read; "Wendell" he opened the door and let Jess walk in, " Welcome to hell, also known as the torture room" Wendell said.  crap, no, no, no, he flipped on the light switch to reveal a pristine room, cuffs hanging off the back wall, whips and other things on the west wall. stupid human did she really think she would avoid this?  Jess shivered and waited for further instruction, "go stand on the back wall," Wendell said, Jess walked numbly over to the wall and stood there, Wendell walked over Jess cringed into the wall seemingly to get farther away from him,"here's how this will work," Wendell said locking the cuffs around her wrists, "every noise adds on one lash, every word spoken out of turn adds on two, understood?" Wendell asked walking over to the wall with the whips and other things. "May I speak?" Jess asked, "yes only when answering my questions will you speak, all rules apply," he answered, "yes I understand," Jess whispered. help me James please can you hear me?  Jess, oh my gosh Jess are you ok? no James I'm scared, it's ok you'll be ok, umm where are, in the basement somewhere he said torture room  got it ok let me think I can get you out hold on for a half hour then I can get you ok thank you, oh crap here he comes. Wendell walked over to Jess, who was cuffed facing the wall, "I'll start with ten," Wendell said almost to himself. He held the whip up said "remember the rules," before brining it down across her back,how ten bite your lip Jessebelle bite it and don't make noise, he hit her again crossing with the first hit, she bit down hard on her lip and pressed her face against the wall. Wendell hit her again, "you know you are much more fun than my new pet she always passes out before my fun starts," he said, the whip hit her back once more brining on a new wave of pain as it crossed all previous whip marks. "how long do you think they'll keep you when you can barely stand and cringe at them being anywhere near you?" Wendell taunted hitting her twice, three times and four more times."14 sounds like a good number to stop at," he said taking the cuffs of Jess's hands and ankles. She stumbled then caught herself and stood up stably. Jess looked up at Wendell just in time to see his fist hit her face, the impact knocked her to the ground. She curled up into a fetus position as Wendell kicked her hard in the ribs, stomach and legs, "Jess look at me," Wendell commanded, she looked up searching for his face, her blurred vision making it hard she sat up. "I SAID LOOK AT ME NOT SIT UP, STUPID HUMAN" Wendell roared stepping on her shin, it snapped under the pressure. Jess whimpered softly, "well then more punishment  it is," Wendell laughed, he took jess's arm in his hand and pressed on a  bone in her fore arm, he held her arm there, then bit into her arm, not before saying, "I'm going to enjoy this."

After a few moments Jess whimpered, Wendell snapped the bone in her arm she bit her lip and swallowed the pain. James, please hurry,  we're coming right now, as Jess was about to pass out there was a knock at the door. "Get up filthy human," Wendell said withdrawing his fangs from her arm and pulling her up by the broken arm, she whimpered as she put pressure on her broken leg and decided it best to keep her leg off the ground. "Prince Wendell I am sorry to say but Jess will be leaving now," Jack said, "quite alright" Wendell responded in his happy voice. "Jess come on out darling" Wendell said sarcastically, Jess tried to walk out but fell when her leg gave out underneath her, she yelped as her face made contact with floor. James walked over and helped her up. then thanked Jack and Wendell and left carrying Jess up the stairs and outside to the where Emmmet was waiting. 

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