Chp. 3 A new adventure, to take on the world

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*Maya's POV*

As I replayed the flashback in my head, I didn't notice a tear trickled down my cheek, until Riley's hand swiped it away.

I looked up to her with glossy eyes, and a blurry vision. Yes, I know, it has been one year, but Josh was my first crush...he broke my heart.

"Maya, don't cry over him...he isn't worth it. the whole family trusted him, and now he broke that trust."

"Your right Riley, it was just a stupid crush anyway."

Riley didn't say anything. Instead, she just silently nodded her head.

We walked through the door, to Topanga's, and saw the rest of the gang(farkle, Smackle, Zay, and Lucas) sitting at their same spots.

I tried to put on my happy face or regular face, so they won't suspect anything, and don't have to worry about me. Although farkle ruined at what I was going for.

"Maya, can I talk to you alone?"

"Yeah...sure." I responded, already knowing where this was going.

Even though Smackle knows that farkle likes her, she was still eyeing us carefully. We headed outside of the cafe, and stood out the door, in an uncomfortable silence.

"You still like him, don't you?" As always, farkle can read me like an open book. I can't help but let a tear slip from my eye. Get yourself together Maya! You have to stop thinking about him.

Farkle willingly opened his arms for me, as I weeped in them.

"Shh, Maya, it's ok. You have to stop thinking about him." Did I forget to tell you that he can read my mind?

After a few more chit chat, and calming me down, we went back inside, thankfully they didn't asking me about what happened, and continued on there small talk.

"Hey, maybe we should all go to the mall, so we could get new clothes for college." Riley said, interrupting my train of thoughts.

"But Riley, we have two weeks left, until the summer ends, and college starts." Lucas pointed out.

"Exactly, if we don't start now, then we might never see those cute unicorn t-shirts."



We walked to the Macy's mall, where we go to see tons of clothes. I was just lounging on the bench, outside of the stores, with a mocha frappe in my hand. Riley on the other hand, was going store to store, trying to find unicorn shirts. That girl never changed.

"Life's moving fast huh." Zay said as he took a seat next to me.

"Yeah, you never know when to stop and take a break."

We had a comfortable silence, until Farkle ran up to us.

"Guys, Riley found what she was looking for, come on."

We walked to where Riley and Lucas was, while Smackle was sitting on one of the benches. Once we found them, Riley was searching rack to rack, while Lucas was buried with mounds of clothes. I can't help, but let the small chuckle out of my mouth.

"Riley, are you seriously going to buy all of that?"

"Of course not, Maya." Oh thank god. "Lucas is paying for it."


"Well it was either that, or buying her a new $100 purse. But I would be happy to buy that for her, she's my bean."

I smile happily as I see the couple staring into each other's eyes.

I clear my throat. "Sorry to interrupt a rucas moment, but I believe we have to get going."

"Rucas?" They question.

"Why of course. Riley plus Lucas equals Rucas."

"Is that the only equation you will be solving in your life?" Riley asked.

"Of course honey, now come one, for once, I'm tired of the mall."

*two weeks layer*

My mom starts having a tantrum and crying a river.

"Promise me you will come visit?"

"Of course mom."

"We will miss you kiddo." Shawn says sadly.

"I will miss you too mom and dad."

"Take good care of Maya, Riley. Promise me, you will get her out of trouble."

"Of course Shawn...she's in good hands."

We were in the middle of the Mathews living room, with Zay, Smackle, Farkle, Lucas, the Mathews family, my family, and of course Riley and me.

Although I can't help over hear Corey's and Riley's conversation...this should be interesting...

"Riley, promise me to call me every weekend."

"Yes dad."

"Oh and promise me NO BABIES!!"

I chuckle to myself lightly.


"Don't dad me Riley! I have seen this before."

"You mean like you and my mom?

I started to crack up. Boy, Riley and Corey make me laugh when they don't even know it. Pretty soon, they heard me and Corey got nervous.

"Uh..I...uh..M-Maya, did you hear all of that?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Of course not." He looked relieved. "I heard it, and I also recorded it."

Oh, did I forget to tell you that I pulled my phone out and recorded it? Oh well.

God, Corey looked so mad, that steam as coming out of his ears and nose.

"Corey, don't get mad for such a silly thing, and how can you not trust our daughter? She's just turned 17 for peat sake!" Topanga chimed in.

"Silly thing, silly thing?!" Oh no.

"I'll let you know that, there are a campus full of boys and-" As he was about to finish Topanga cut in.

"And she has Maya. Be reasonable, they will look out for each other."

Corey FINALLY calmed down, though I'm pretty sure he's going to have a tantrum once we all leave out the door.

The next strangest thing I did was hug Corey after I hugged Topanga, which caught him off surprise and off guard. Hey, even though I tease Corey, but I still love him like a second father, I just don't show it that much.

He hugged me back, and I said another goodbye to my parents before grabbing my suitcases. Even though we didn't leave yet, Riley was already crying on Lucas' shoulder, as he was trying to make her feel better.

I can already see them married in the future, and having children. They are probably the next Corey and Topanga. I can still see Riley and my future. The next Corey and Shawn.

We took on middle school, high school, and now college. It awaits for us. To make new memories, a new life, and a new experience. Let's take on college. And we were out the door, ready to live a new adventure. To which I will never forget.

A/N: ok guys, I know that you are all probably mad at me right now, but I can't blame you. I haven't updated for weeks, I know, I know. But I promise you I will try to not make it happen again. I just finished my exams and I'm so relived. I will be updating soon, but you have to understand that once and a while, I will have a late update. Don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think. Remember to...




See you soon, loves!

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