Chp. 32 Unleashed

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*Third Person's POV*

Katy had no words. She was horrified to be put into the spotlight and usually she doesn't mind being the center of attention, but with the love of her life staring at her with anything but adoration and Chris confused as hell while Maya could not even look at her correctly, she wanted to throw up.

And it wasn't morning sickness. In fact, it was anything but morning sickness.

"I-I don't know w-where to begin." She stammered half because the eyes in the room burned holes into her body.

"Maybe the beginning." Her husband's sharp words were indiscreetly thrown at her direction as she inwardly winced.

She looked at Maya with a apologetically softened face only to receive as half-heartedly scoff, as she begin to tell her shameful story, "Your father, Kermit, had a brother. Uncle Derek. He married your aunt, Charity. And they had a beautiful baby boy with the most adoring chocolate eyes and luscious dirty blond her, much to resemble his father, Uncle Derek."

Katy glanced at Chris with love and turned back to Maya continuing to tell her the past, "Within six months of his birth, they met with a terrible car crash and the baby boy was the only survivor." She shed a few tears before going on.

"Kermit wanted to adopt him, and as much as I wanted to, I knew that we wouldn't be able to do it. We were only in two years of our marriage and we couldn't even pay the mortgage, let alone keep the roof above our heads. I wanted that baby to lead a good life without us being a burden because we couldn't even keep a job, how could we keep the baby?"

Katy sniffled, "Since his parents didn't appoint anyone to be his godparents and I couldn't change Kermit's mine, we decided to adopt him. I soon grew to love him like my own child. I was content, but I couldn't help but feel guilty to bring him into our hardship lives. We couldn't maintain food for the two of us and to now add a third into the family. We couldn't give him proper food, shelter, or clothes. We could only give him love and we had plenty of that, but I knew it wasn't enough."

Katy inhaled a long breath before looking at the ground, "We had to give him up after a year. She was a friend of his parents and she had a good job, good house, and she was a nice person. That was more than enough for us. We tried to visit him time to time, but in the end we knew it was better to let him go then to let him get attached to us. That baby was and is still in my heart."

She let out a retched sob before saying this, "That baby boy is you Christian."

Christian was already in tears, as he figured out a while before what was going to happen, "They told me my family left me. Why? Why didn't you say anything before?"

"I didn't want to be a burden. You have a good life, good college, good grades. I didn't want to let you down."

"You think I had a good life? I grew up feeling like my real family didn't want me! You had already let me down as soon as you handed me away!"

Those were the words that Katy didn't want to hear. That she let her own son down. That made her break into tears.

After a while, Chris cleared his throat, "I'm going to go clear my head. Don't expect me to be back."

Chris was out the door followed by a loud slam, as Maya went after to him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

Shawn was flustered by what just happened. He didn't dare make a sound while Katy's cries played in the background. He walked upstairs not saying a word after the long episode.

Katy was torn. She was sure she lost her family. But there was something that is certain.

The truth hurts.


The truth hurts.

Chris couldn't stop the tears that escaped his eyes and landed on the snow making little prints.

His vision was blurry and he couldn't think of anywhere to go to. Maya's home was out of the option and he couldn't go to the Mathews. It was not his intention to go rant out his problems to them.

The night was cold and dark, perfect way to describe how Chris was feelings.

Maya stayed a few feet away from him so she could give him space. She only wanted to make sure he didn't wander off into the night.

If people were that sharp and smart, they would think a teenage girl was stalking a teenage boy, yet they didn't care. It was how people were in this society.

They both don't know what's to come, even though they could all just go back and forgive, they couldn't forget.

It was too soon to accept an apology, their main priority was to figure out what they were, and that would be for tomorrow.

For now, it looked like Chris was in the mood for Topanga's. Fortunately, there were employees that worked for the night time hours and to their luck, Topanga and Katy were nowhere near the cafe.

Chris sat in the booth, holding his peppermint hot chocolate, alone. His thoughts were his companion and comfort for the time being.

Mixed emotions rang through his mind. He was feeling angry, anxious, lonely, lost, but on top off all that, he didn't know whether he can trust someone again.

Maya on the other hand sat on the steps near the entrance with her head rested against the railing.

She wasn't angry at Chris, how could she be? She was just relieved that he didn't hide something from her.

Although, she did feel something in the back of her mind, but that thought vanished into thin air as she let her eyes rest, sweeping into comforting darkness.

Chris was the one to notice her. He sighed, wondering why this fool would following him in the cold.

He trashed away the cup and picked her up, as she unconsciously wrapped her legs around his waist.

Chris was now Maya's adoptive or not brother. The thought made him feel weird because of this new and surprised circumstance.

Yet at the same time, he felt as it was natural to call Maya his sister. He has thought of her no less and no more while they were friends.

Although now it was kind of official, and that scared both of them.

New family and new additional family. New life and new changes.

They both hated it because of their pasts.

Although for Christian and Maya, that was something to worry and consider for the future.

Now their one and only worry is...


A/N: Hey loves. Did you guys expect it or were u totally mind blown? There's still more to come so don't think that was the last of it. Any thoughts? I won't be updating for a while because of vacation. Joshaya moments are coming...

Also, I'm thinking of a time skip for the next chapter but I will give you guys a notice so therefore no confusion. Don't be a silent reader. Remember to...




Bye loves

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