Chp. 12 Please, don't leave me

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*Riley's POV*

"Doctor Doctor! How's Maya?" I asked concerned, as he came out of Maya's room.

"Can I talk to someone who's personally close with her alone?" Immediately I stood up, as so as Josh. I gave him a confused look, but he seemed to ignore it.

Dr. Garcia walked with us to an empty first AID room, filled with medicine, tablets, and prescriptions. There was a desk, and chairs that we sat at.

"So, could you please start by telling me how your connected to Maya, the patient?" She asked. I looked at her curiously, wondering where she is going with this.

"I'm her best friend, since we were 5. She would mostly spend her time at my house then hers. She is really close to my family too." I said, making sure to give a full description.

Dr. Garcia nodded her head, as she looked to face Josh.

"I'm her best friend's uncle, and her roommate." He said.

Really? God, do I need to slap him back to his senses?!

"She's been suffering from anxiety. Has she ever had an anxiety attack?"

The words hit me like bricks. Why wouldn't Maya tell me about this? Tears start to stream down my face, as the door slams open. Chris rushes in with a worried face.

"Where's Maya?!" He saw my tears, as his face softened, he pulled me in a comforting hug. Josh's face turned white as a ghost.

"Riley what happened?!"

"She's been suffering from anxiety, Chris!"

"Of course!" He said, looking at Josh. I looked at him confused.

"Doctor, can I please talk to you?"

"Yes." She nodded as Chris took a seat.

Josh and I were taken back to the waiting room, where the others were seated. Immediately we were thrown back with worrying questions.

"She had an anxiety attack." I said, letting my tears fall down again.

Everyone was surprised. But Katie, Maya's mom, wasn't surprised. Maybe this wasn't her first time, from the attack?


*Josh's POV*

The doctor came back with Chris behind his trail. Everyone stood up from the seats, awaiting for his answer.

"Your allowed to see her now, she woke up. Although only two at a time please."

Shawn and Katie went in to see her, because they are her parents. Next was Corey and Topanga. They think of her as their second daughter, they took her in when Kermit and Katie were fighting, which is generous of them.

Once they came out, I let Lucas and farkle go in, then Zay and Smackle. Chris went in alone, that got my anger boiling. I was about to go stop him, but Riley put her hand on my shoulder. She probably knew what I was about to do. I guess me and Riley wanted to see her last, and have more time with her.

When we went in, the room was quit. The sun was streaming lines in the room, because of the blinds. The air conditioning was on. Maya was laying on the bed, with the cover over her, stopping at the chest. She was looking at the window, with interest.

There was a heartbeat monitor, that was connected to wires, that were connected to her. Riley sat in the chair, on the left side, next to the monitor, while I sat on the right side.

"Peaches!" Maya, looked at her, dropping her gaze from the window, like she just noticed Riley. 

"Hey Riles!" Her voice was mixed with dry raspy voice, with her normal yet melodic voice that I love.

Riley's face turned into serious from cheerful. I knew instantly what she was about to say. I was also looking for an answer.

"Why didn't you tell me that you have anxiety?"

"I didn't want you to be disappointed in me."

"Peaches, why would I be disappointed in you? I was so worried, when I heard you were in the hospital!"

"My first one was probably the worst one. My dad didn't even care about me. My mom was outside trying to get some fresh air, like she always does after her fight. My dad locked himself in his room. I was probably eight. My breathe was escaping from me. I held onto my life, trying to call out to my dad. He could hear me. I knew he could, he just didn't care-"

She bursted out into tears, and I could tell I had some too. Riley clutched onto her hand and put it on her chest, with tears dripping against her cheeks. I wiped some of Maya's tears, letting her know that I'm here, and I won't go back, as I let her continue what she was saying.

"Chris called my mom, after he found me on the floor. They took me to the hospital. I had two more after that. One when I was ten and one when I was 12. They were minor, because they were only caused by my nightmares about my parents fighting. Soon, they stopped coming, I have to thank you for that Riley."

She hugged her best friend, as a sign of gratitude.

"What caused this one to happen, since you don't have any more nightmares?" I asked.

She looked at bit uncomfortable with my question.

"Uh, I had so much homework." I knew that was a lie, but I didn't want to push her. Riley looked like she knew the answer though. But I wasn't going to get in more of this conversation.

Soon Riley left, to go to her dorm, because she had an upcoming project to be done. I had some stuff to do, but something told me to stay and take care of Maya. Maya's eyes were closing slowly, and I took that as a sign that I should let her sleep.

I put the covers over her, and kissed her cheek. Sparks flew once again, as something inside me craved her touch. Chills rang through my spine, as I shuddered. I looked at the sleeping beauty once again, before I walked away.

A hand caught my arm, as I turned around, Maya's eyes were open.

"Please, don't leave me."

I shook my head. "I won't, I'm staying forever."

I climbed into the bed with her, and pulled her closely to me. But not to close, to break the wires. She snuggled in closer to my chest, as if it were impossible. I knew this was wrong, and I shouldn't be doing this, but something inside me didn't want me to move.

I felt like this is where I belong, and this is where I'm staying.

A/N: Well...that was kinda depressing. I promise the next chapter will be a little more exciting.

Look out for the Q/A chapter!

Remember to...




Bye loves!

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