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Thea's POV

"JAXON!" I scream as soon as I climb the stairs.

"Thea, what the hells wrong?! You don't need to yell like that!" Screams my dad in reply coming out of his room.

"Wasn't talking to you, didn't expect an answer." I say holding my hand up in his face.

He shakes his head and returns to his room. Probably to sulk over the fact that I'm no longer his sweet innocent little girl anymore. Ugh!

He honestly needs to get over it. It's been what almost five years? Someone loves living in the past. Queue eye roll.

Where is Jax?! I need to talk to him, both of us could end up in deep shit because of the gang down the road.

"JAXON?" I scream once more.

"What?" He replies not bothering to find me.

So I follow this idiots voice all the way to the 'game room.' Which consists of a tv, PlayStation and an Xbox. There are comfy couches and been bags in the room.

It's basically a chill room for me, Jax and Theo. A place where we can entertain our friends without messing up the rest of the house. I think that's more directed at Theo and the friends he will bring home.

Jax will probably go out trying to find a gang he can join soon. It's useless being someone with out type of skills and having nothing to do with them. Being apart of a gang, gives us who are black sheep of the family a place where we can fit in. With the rest of the outsiders.

I walk into the room only to see Jax sitting right in front of the tv playing Xbox.

"JAX YOU F" I shout but my words get softer noticing Theo next to Jax.

"Geez Thea, why the hell are you shouting at me?" He asked puzzled.

Theo's head quirks up at the sound of my voice. He looks at me confused wondering what I was about to say before cutting myself off.

I noticed how as soon as I entered the room they paused the game they were playing. It looks like they were playing Fifa17. Ugh boys and sports-I know it's a terrible stereotype.

I mean I enjoy playing soccer but it's more fun to actually play it then to play a game with remotes. I have to enjoy playing sports for Theo.

Jax and I are quite a bit older than him so we do what we can to make him feel less lonely. Although we can't always do so, but we refuse to swear or even mutter any cuss words in front of him. His to innocent to hear words like that.

"I need to speak to you Jax it's really important and absolutely can't wait till later." I stubbornly state, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Okay." He sighs.

"We'll chat in my room, be back soon buddy." He says messing up Theo's hair.

Jax and I walk over to his room and he closes the door behind him. Not wanting Theo to see or hear anything.

"What the fuck was so important it couldn't wait till later Thea?!" He asks frustratedly pulling at his hair.

"Fine be like that, I won't tell you about the gang living down the street."

I attempt to walk out but Jax grabs hold of my upper arm raising his eyebrows wanting me to continue.

"That massive house down the street."

He nods.

"It's the Scorpions gang house."

"Fucking shit! Wait how do you know this?"

"The second in command was flirting with me, but I didn't know he was the second in command of the most powerful gang in the world."

"What did you do?"

"I was roasting him while he was flirting with me..."

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?!"

"Chill he didn't take it too badly."

Jax just stares at me.

"Oh he told me where the races around here are held."

"Wanna go check it out?"

"Thought you'd never ask." I reply already out the door.


Since the shipping container hasn't arrived yet, we were without our cars. Which in other words meant no racing for us. And it also meant dad had to hire a car.

So Jax and I told Theo we had to go out quickly and he opted to come along with us. But the two of us frantically shook our heads.

Right now I'm in my room, putting on a disguise. I'm a pretty well known street racer-not exactly sure how well known though. And for now I also don't want any perverts of anything following me home.

My disguise consisted of a wig and contacts. I put on a red faded hoodie with a denim jeans.

We need to know what we're install for before showing our real faces. If things look to rough and extremely out of hand Jax will try and persuade me not to go Westoak ever again.

Not that he'll get it right though.

I walk out of my room and knock on Jaxton's door. He comes out and nods at me.

We make our way downstairs making sure our parents and Theo don't see us. Once we've successfully made it outside, Jax gets us a taxi and tell him where to go.

The taxi driver was very hesitant at first telling us how dangerous it is there. Jax told him we'd pay double and he sped off as if he was on fire.


It took less than fifteen minutes to get to Westoak.

I roll down the window and look around. It looks like any other racing spot. Buff guys making bets on who will win. Girls wearing hardly and clothes, making them look like sluts. And groups-obviously the different gangs of the area.

I don't see Aiden meaning the Scorpions are not here. I release a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

It looks like there's about five gangs, maybe six around here.

I look at Jax silently telling him we should go. He tells the driver and we're off to our new home. Joy.

All I wanted to do was check out the 'spot' I did that so there was no point in staying. After all our cars aren't here so we can't race.

We made the taxi driver drop us off a block away from our house, just like we made him pick us up a block away from the house.

As Jaxon and I walk up to the house we notice the shipping container. At least now we have a cars and don't need to rely on public transport.

I look at Jax.

"Looks like I'll be making an appearance at Westoak very soon." I say smirking.

Ex Best Friend |Completed Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα