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Thea's POV

It's been a couple of days since the race, since I felt completely normal again, well almost. I can't help but feel completely vulnerable most of the time, it's like I'm only ever able to feel like myself when I'm racing.

Jax left the day after they found me, some shit about not telling anyone where he was. Apparently mom has been calling the asshole like crazy trying to figure out where he disappeared to. Long story short that fool is gonna get an earful from our lovely mother, who couldn't care less that he's an adult capable of looking after himself. Let's be real the fucker can't take care of himself, that's why mom probably panicked. Dumbass. When he told me that my only reply was an eye roll. I've realized that sometimes it's not worth commenting on stupidity. Especially his stupidity. Part of me still can't believe that the idiot didn't tell mom he jumped on a plane to Paris. I mean he tells mom almost everything. She had a lot to say to him over the phone and the fact that he wouldn't tell her why he pulled a disappearing act made things a little harder for him... not that that's my problem though.

Lia and the twins stuck around which meant I got to spend some time with them too. Which I guess what nice. For once it appears Carter wasn't being a total ass, during the twins stay I could tell he wanted to tell Seth off but didn't it was surprising.

Ever since I got back they have all refused to leave me on my own. And when I say all of them I mean all of them. My friends and Carter's gang, who might I add don't know me. I've had like what, one fucking conversation with them and all of a sudden it qualifies them as my babysitters? I think fucking not. My own friends treat me like normal partially because they know that I'll kick their asses if they even attempted to babysit me. Carter's gang on the other hand can't seem to take a hint. And I my hints have not been subtle.

I think it was Zayn who tried to watched tv with me. Keyword, tried the fool couldn't sit still to watch a movie. So I did what any sane person would do, I threw a remote at the idiot. And since I have perfect aim it hit him smack bang in the middle of his forehead. Left a beautiful bruise behind too. Ah good times.

Currently we're on the plane heading home. Home sweet fucking home. If only I could call that place home. Ugh I'm not ready to deal with my dad. These are my lovely thoughts as I stare out the window. Not that there's much to see, I mean all I can fucking see is blue with the occasional white cloud.

"Hey, Thumbelina you want anything to eat?"

I look away from the window and look at the infamous gang leader of the Scorpions who tapped my shoulder. Only then did I noticed that he asked the question, making everyone around him automatically stopped their conversation and watch us. Half of them sitting on the edge of their seats with hopeful looks in their eyes waiting for me to reply. Since I've hardly spoken at all since I got back.

I shake my head and turn back to the window as Carter let's put a sigh. I'm sure everyone else has a disappointed look on their face. But from what I can hear their disappointment doesn't last because they go back to their conversations.


I can't really remember what happened after I stared out the window. I don't remember when I fell asleep and I certainly don't fucking remember leaning my head on Carter's fucking shoulder.

My thoughts are cut short as Carter's worried face comes into view. I stare at him for a solid minute before I realize he's talking. I simply raise an eyebrow in annoyance. The ass woke me up from my sleep. Everyone should know not to wake a fucking girl up from her sleep!

He shakes his head with a faint smile present on his face and says, "Come on Thumbelina, we landed already."

While holding out his hand for me to take, after standing up and stretching. I'm just gonna add that when he stood up to stretch his shirt rode up slightly, giving me a full view of a well toned stomach. Not that I would expect anything else from the gang leader of the scorpions.

Ex Best Friend |Completed Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon