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Carter's POV

I walk through school as if I'm in a daze. I can't stop thinking about my Thumbelina.

I need to find away to get her to forgive me. To finally let me back in. I mean I know I hurt her but I've made it pretty damn clear I care about her and want her.

I need to think of something and fast, if she lets me in I can protect her from the shit that is going to go down with all the gangs. I don't want her caught in a cross fire of a gang war.

This is fucking hard. I don't remember the last time I had to think about something so deeply.

If she was the old Thumbelina it would be easy to get her to let me in. But she's not. Well, she doesn't think she is. I still see parts of her-the old her in the new her.

So she likes street races and street fights. Maybe she'll like going go carting? I don't know. But I need her to trust me. And to stop avoiding me.

She's been avoiding me since the little catastrophe that happened at my place. Every time I see her she either walks in the opposite direction or pretends I don't exist. It's killing me.

I need my Thumbelina back in my fucking messed up life.

She doesn't know it yet, but I need her. She's practically my life line.

Fuck-I still love her so much, why can't she see that.


Let's hope a door does not get banged in my face. I'm currently standing outside Thumbelina's house.

I knock expecting Thea to open the door. Instead the door is opened by Theo, I crouch down and mess his hair.

"Hey kiddo, is your sister here?"

"Why?" The little man asks staring daggers at me not even bothering to greet me back.

"I just want to ask her something-"

"Theo, who's at the door?" Asks Cyan.

"Oh hello Carter, come on inside why don't you."

"Thank you Mrs C" I say giving her a smile.

She leads me into the house. Theo runs off to the backyard as I follow Cyan. Before abruptly stopping by the foot of the stairs.

"I suppose you're here to see Thea." She says raising an eyebrow.

I nod, smiling innocently.

She sighs before saying, "Carter, don't get close to her only to leave again. I don't want to see my only daughter broken because the person closest to her left her again. It broke her the first time."

"I don't plan on leaving her ever again Mrs C. I know I hurt her, but last time it was out of my control. I couldn't do anything back then, now I can. I don't want to lose her-I can't lose her. I just wish she'd let me in." I say sitting down on the bottom step.

Cyan smiles sadly at me and takes a seat next to me.

"She's not the same person she was back then. She's changed so much, I know her father believes it's for the worst I don't. She hardly lets anyone in. I think she's just afraid of getting hurt and it's her only way of making sure that doesn't happen. You're supposed to call my Cyan not Mrs C, Carter." She adds trying to lighten the mood a little.

I run my hand through my hair while chuckling lightly.

"What should I do?"

"Show her you care and that you don't plan on leaving."

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