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Thea's POV

I haven't slept since that god forsaken phone call. Everything up until this point has been a blur, I vaguely remember jumping out of bed and cursing while pacing, then suddenly I was in the living room along with the rest of the gang. I guess Carter rounded up everyone after the call. We're busy strategising, well these dumb fuckers are meant to be strategising but they're too busy bickering like fucking toddlers. Idiots.

Carter's not even paying attention to them, he's yelling orders at Seb, Zayn, Cameron and Aiden. While the girls and their younger siblings watch with sleep filled eyes from the couch.

I see Carter open his mouth to say something as we hear the front door open aggressively, and in walks Jaxon. The asshole who hasn't picked up anyone's phone calls in the last three hours. Following him is Sam, Seth and Lia. The Scorpions watch as they waltz into their gang house with murderous expressions, like they own the place. Jax immediately makes his way to me and pulls me in for a hug, resting his chin on my head.

"We're gonna get him back Thea, I promise." He whispers in my ear before pulling away and making his way to Carter.

As he walks away from me Seth and Sam take up the space behind me, each with a hand on one of my shoulders whereas Amelia stand in front of Sam holding my hand. Squeezing it to remind me that she's here for me-that they are here for me. Their presence alone has managed to calm me down slightly. I watch as Jax and Carter bro hug before Jax turns to the crowd and ask.

"What's the fucking plan to get my little brother back?"

And chaos is unleashed once again. As the chaos commences I realised that I've been bottling up each and every emotion since my kidnapping, I'm calm to the point where I'm almost numb. But I won't let myself get that far, no not a fucking chance. I'm the calm before the storm. Those fuckers won't know what hit them.

They're messing with the wrong gang.

With the wrong big sister.

Because I'll raise hell to save Theo.

Even if that means burning down the world first.


10 hours later.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

I quickly take cover behind one of my-our bullet proof cars, successfully avoiding a bullet. I've got no fucking time to get shot. Hopefully the bulletproof vest I have strapped to my chest will be sufficient protection against these idiots aimlessly shooting at the fucking Scorpions.

Quick update Seth, Sam, Jax cashed in a lot of favours and quickly got Carter some new allies which are currently aiding us in this war. Not long after that we miraculously came up with a plan:

Find their base-tick
Blindside them-tick
Distract they goons-in progress.

Unfortunately we tried to be optimistic and hope that they would have minimal guards patrolling. As our luck would have it, the stupid piece of private property housing nothing more than a rundown abandoned warehouse-which looks like it will collapse on itself at any moment-is crawling with fucking armed men. All of which have shit aim. The joys of newish gangs, training your men to be on the same level as others. Thankfully they overestimated their capability to take us on. Dumb mother fuckers.

I see Carter ducking behind a car as well, he motions for other members to keep shooting, then we hear him speaking through our ear pieces.

"Everyone on the ground aim to take out as much men as you can, as soon as I see an opening I'm going in, so be observant and cover me when that happens. On another note, Amelia, Hayden, Hazel and Stella are you guys in position?"

Ex Best Friend |Completed Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt