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Thea's POV

I jolt awake and stare the the fucker who decided it was a good idea to disturb my beauty sleep. I mean being kidnapped and locked in a shitty little cell, I need all the sleep I can get. Considering falling asleep here is difficult as fuck.

Anyone want to guess who the fucker is? No? Okay I'll tell you, it was fucking Jack Evans. Does rage name ring a bell? Well if it doesn't let me remind you why it should.

A- he is the mother fucker who kidnapped me
B- he's the bitch trying to take Carter's gang rank
C- he's the asshat that woke me up!
D-he woke me up with fucking water! Ice cold water might I add.

"What the fuck do you want?!" I explain.

"Now now that's no way to speak to the man who can end you with the snap of his fingers."

"I don't care," I state stubbornly.

"Well little racer you should." He says with a menacing look.

In that moment I actually started worrying about my safety. What the fuck does this psycho have in mind?

Someone needs to find me and fast, things are only going to get bad here, I can feel it.

Evans starts tracing my jaw with his slimy fingers and I outwardly cringe. This bitch better get his hands off me. He trails his hand how until it's just above my cleavage and I begin to panic.

He notices how I've tensed and he takes a step back smirking evilly. Looking very pleased with himself.

"Later I will see why you caught the eye of the oh so powerful Scorpion leader. Looks like we'll get to know each other a lot better." He says smirking.

Fuck my life.

Carter's POV

It looks like a tornado has destroyed this house. Everyone is on fucking edge waiting for us to either track Thumbelina down or for KungFu Skulls to lay down some stupid demands.

I've been pacing up and down like a dumbass for the last 12 hours, we haven't managed to get anymore information on Thea. It's fucking killing me not knowing if she's okay. My gang members tried to convince me to take a nap but I've been too busy pacing and making phone calls.

Jax managed to  convince me to eat something so I'm currently searching the kitchen cabinets. Hoping that I'll find what I'm looking for. But who the fuck and I kidding I won't find Thumbelina here. I should be searching for her not searching for food.

I feel so useless, at times like this I wish I asked someone to teach me how to hack.

I don't care what it fucking takes I will get my Thea back and make sure that she's safe away from those dumb fucks. Jack Evens if I get you I will kill you. You started a gang war and I hope you are prepared to lose because it's not a word in my fucking vocabulary.

Your head will be served on a silver platter I can assure you, is the only thought going through my head as I down a glass of orange juice.


I run up to the office and stare at my gang and Thea's friends expectantly. Waiting for them to give me all the details.

Seth and Cameron told us where she was. We quickly pulled up a plan of their hide out and planned how we would attack. Making sure we all came out of this alive. At the end of this fucking catastrophe I want my Thumbelina safe in my arms.

"Why the fuck did all of this take so long?" I asked extremely annoyed.

"Well, I'm not a hacker so this isn't my area of expertise." Replies Seth with an eye roll.

I give him a glare, "Then why'd you volunteer to help?"

"She's my best friend that's why but I don't owe you and explanation."

"You two can bite each other's heads off later, right now we need to find my sister." Says Jax.

"Yeah let's get Thea back!" Adds Amelia.

"You're staying right here, Lia."


"Nope, not happening!" Sam and Seth say. This made me roll my eye.

"Fine she huffs out." Crossing her arms over her chest while pouting. She gives Sam one look and stalks out of the room. Obviously annoyed with her boyfriend.

"Drama Queen," Seth says rolling his eyes.

"Now, it's time for the rest of us to tell our siblings they will not be tagging along with." Mutters out Zayn.

"They not gonna be happy about that, the girls especially. I mean they just met Thea but they like her." Says Aiden.

My gang members all sigh, knowing it's going to be a struggle.

"Tell them and get ready we leave in the next 15 minutes." I say with no room for argument.

"It's war time." I mutter.

And those three words bring a sense of ease back into my life before all I see once again is red.

Looks like it's time for a war.

I hope you are ready KungFu Skulls.

• • • • •


I'm back... for now at least.

I know this chapter isn't great but hopefully the next will be better. It's also quite short. Sorry guys.

Also I'm soooo sorry for the really long wait before updating. My life is currently spiraling out of control and I haven't been able to find time to write.

Anyway I hope everyone has a good day further♥️



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