Chapter 2

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Elizay started walking alone on the deserted road. She dint know where to go. Eros whom she had loved so much dint trust her. But still she loved him . She couldn't hate him cause she knew what had happened in his past , all the horrible things he had gone through. Her heart cried for him . She prayed to God to keep him safe. No matter what she would always love him . She prayed for a happy future for her husband. May be it was for good that she is no more in her husband's life now he can live peacefully without having to see her face.

But what about her heart? Her heart was crying from inside. She couldn't think anything . She was totally broken beyond repair. She dint know whether her family would take her back. But nonetheless she thought to go there . But she was scared she knew her father would not take her back. But she wanted to try once. So she made her way to Worthington mansion. The moment which she  dreaded had come. She was thrown out she just prayed to God that her father would let her live in the mansion. Even being a servant was better than lying on roads.

She rang the bell of the mansion. Servant came and opened the door. The mansion had changed a lot in these 10 years . She came here for the first time in 10 years after her marriage to her husband. She called her father . Her father came down .

" Dad please let me stay here. Eros threw me out of the house. He is going to divorce me. Dad I have no where to go. Please dad let me stay here. I would  live in servant quarters. I promise not to disturb you or Christine . I won't trouble you for anything dad please let me stay here."

Elizay begged her stone hearted father

Her father snorted.
"I knew someday this would happen. Your are as worthless as your mother. You are for no good. A shame in my name. Could not make your husband love you. Now came here to show me your shameless face. What you thought that coming in front of me and crying like this will make me let you stay here. No idiot because of you I lost my company ,my property. Now I am living like a beggar depending on my wife for everything and that bitch loves to see me beg in front of her all because of you. You were always a burden , worthless piece of shit. I was happy to get rid of you. Go away don't show me your face. Go die if you no where to go or if you want to live become a whore like your mother."

Her dad's words were like poisonous arrows which went straight to her heart. She had enough of all this. She had enough of being hated and unwanted all her life. She couldn't take his words. How dare he insult her mother? How dare he suggest her to whore herself? What kind of father was he who could not love his own blood? If a father was like this then it was better to be born orphan. No one deserves such a father. Her dam had bursted. She could no longer bear her dad's hateful words. She thought to give him a piece of mind before she went. Who knew whether she would see him again?

"I am sorry for my mother who had loved you. I am sorry for your mother who gave birth to a rascal who could not keep his p***s in his pants and screwed every woman. God knows how many sins you have done. I hope you realise your crimes fast. I can't blame Christine or Raina for their treatment towards me cause its not me it's you who is worthless piece of shit. You deserve to rot in hell for all your crimes father. You made my mother suffer all her life . She could not bear your cheating. She gave up on her life. I am thankful that she died and ended all her miseries otherwise listening to your words today she would have been suffering in pain. How dare you suggest me to whore myself ? It was not my fault that you lost everything. It was your own fate that brought you at this stage where you have to beg in front of your wife. Don't worry I won't ever show you my face. And dad soon very soon you will realise your mistakes. That time you will suffer . Don't worry dad I forgive you for whatever you did to me. It's because of you I got married to Eros. I love him crazily and will always love him . I would alwayd pray to God to keep you safe and healthy. I know I am pathetic but I will always love you dad it was because of you I am still breathing today . Even though u hated me u gave me shelter I will never forget that . Take care of yourself and your family. Try loving your family for once. Money cannot buy everything. "

With these parting words she left behind her father , her home where she spent her childhood. Not all memories where happy. But she knew not to dwell on those sad memories. When she left this house 10 years ago she had hope that her father would love her one day. But now she knew her father was as selfish as he was 10 years ago. She saw the mansion for one last time . She knew she would not be able to see it again. She prayed to God to forgive her father's sins.

Life had brought her on road. She never imagined in her life that she would have to live on roads begging. But what could she do ? She was pathetic, weak just like her father always taunted her. That trust she had in Eros when he had left his home in nothing , that trust she placed in Eros to become big , that love she had showered on him this was her prize. She could not blame Eros , when her own father hated her guts how could she think that someone would even like her. Today she had become from wife of a billionaire to a street beggar. But still she could not get herself to commit suicide. She was indeed weak but she would never end her life which was a gift from God. She believed in God. If he had brought her at this stage gmhe would surely show her one way or the other. She trusted her faith.

Now she was yet to start her new life again. But she would never lose heart. She would not give up on Eros. She would try till he realises her love for him. Now she was yet to earn money so that she could live.

Let's see where this journey takes our heroine. After all this thing's she did not give up on her love . She was stubborn to win her husband's love. Let us see what happens in future? What God  has kept in store for her? Was this the end of troubles in her life or beginning? Well a disaster waited for her.............. 

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