Author's Note

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Hello everyone I hope all of you are doing well and if you are not then please hang in there buddy you will feel better soon 😊.

Sorry all , I've been MIA for so long . All those who have messaged me, posted on my wall a BIG THANK YOU. Trust me guys you all helped me a lot. I haven't replied anyone personally but please consider this as my gratitude to all of you.

In this uncertain time of CORONA , one thing that hasn't changed is WORK  , haha 😂. To all you working people I am sure you understand what I am talking about . So that's why right now I can't spend much time here on this but I came back after so long because I just wanted to relax a bit and read books.

I just published back my book but I haven't done any changes at all . As of now I don't know when I will be continuing this book again but I promise I won't leave it unfinished.

I was overwhelmed to see so much support from you guys and that's why I decided to publish it back. You all are wonderful people and I am glad you reached out to me. I am blessed 😊❤️.

Hope to see you all again soon and love you all 😘

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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