Chapter 9

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" Ahh the audacity of that man " , she screamed loudly. Never in her life had Elizay became so impatient. He could not just barge in her life and force her to do things. She new he was the one behind it. Ofcourse she wasn't stupid or else how could she lose her job and apartment suddenly?

She was standing in the middle of the road aftr her landlady threw her out of house with her clothes. She dint knw why that Nathan suddenly wanted her in Eros's life. Hadn't they done enough damage? It was not fair ,because of thm she was homeless and jobless.

She screamt loudly like a banshee. The ppl on the road looked at her as if she had gone mad. Obviously if she had those two monsters in her life she had to go mad. She knew there was plan behind everything , aftrall The Nathaniel​ Price was so calm and soft to her. He was cooking some thing in his mind ,she was very sure.

She wasn't even sure whether Eros had truly lost his memory or no. She has googled him, like Nathan said whole information about him had disappeared. There was only mention of accident that occurred few months ago ,other than that absolutely nothing.

Well she had stayed with Eros for 10 years , she evn saw Nathan many times. In all those 10 years Nathan had never been so calm and soft. He was worser than Eros. Both were as cold as ice. She had never seen in her life them smiling at all.

Well now she really wanted to knw y suddenly she is needed. She thought to take risk and see. She knew she was stupid. Aftr having the biggest heartbreak of the year she was again going behind Eros. Whatever she would just be there as Eros's PA , learn about business and use the opportunity to the fullest. Aftr all she was going to learn free of cost  and Eros would be the best option .

She was going to mend her life with the help of the same man who had destroyed her, the irony!

Now she couldn't just stand there on the road , so she came to EXOTICA with the luggage. The manager who had removed her from the job was standing there. He thought she came to beg him ,but he could not do anything as he had got the order from the Top to remove her.

"Elizay I told u can no longer work here. Y r u back with ur luggage? If u think that I would show u pity thn forget it. Just get out of here. I had specifically received the message from management to remove u"

Elizay stood there controlling her laugh, she didn't want to seem rude. Ofcourse she knew who the management was. She simply went near the reception and asked for Nathan .

Nathan as soon as he received the call he came down and saw the manager of the cafe standing there scowling at her. He went there and glared at the manager , manager got scared by his stare simply went back , thinking it was the best.

"You have done what you wanted. I want to be selfish once in my lifetime​ and I came here because I know if I work under Eros , it would be a golden opportunity to me. But I am not stupid Nathan I knw smthing is going on in ur head, as long as u won't trouble me I will do the job. Has Eros really lost his memory? Hw can I believe what ur telling is true. "

"Elizay you are intelligent , guess u could figure it out on your own . About Eros losing his memory I can assure he really does not remember anything about u or what happened in last 10 years. I was not lying when I told u his life was in danger. I want u with him 24 hrs and 7 days a week. "

" Hmm interesting , Ok I agree to ur proposal , I think I knw y u trust me with Eros. Anyhow it's none of my business, as long as u keep me out of any trouble  I will help u and keep Eros safe , and when I sense any foul play I would be out. "

'well okay, let's get u meet Eros".

With this both went to penthouse floor of hotel where Eros was currently staying. When they entered penthouse suite Eros was having his dinner. Eros realised that Nathan bought the same girl about whom he was thinking earlier. He was surprised.

" Nathan who is she? Y is she here?"

" Eros meet Elizay , she is ur PA from today, technically from tomorrow. "

" What y do I need a PA ? I can very well manage myself and who gave u permission to decide on my behalf? I can't accept any random girl as my PA. Take her back from here".

" Eros I would appreciate if u took her as ur PA. I mean it she would be ur PA whether u like it or not. "

" Who r u to tell me that? Y would I listen to u , I am my own person. I won't have anyone bossing me. If u like her keep her as ur PA. "

Aftr shouting at Nathan he stormed back to his room. Nathan followed him back to his room.

Elizay stood there wondering what happened. She observed him carefully she could tell he really had lost his memory. It would be good because she won't have to unnecessarily face his hatred now. But she saw that his behaviour was the same stone cold, rude and ruthless.

Well was she scared of him? No, absolutely not, atleast bit anymore. Before she was scared of him, she always stuttered in front of him. But the harsh reality of life and facing things alone for last few months had made her hard. She was not scared of him any longer, she dint feel anything for him. Maybe it was the effect of 10 years of neglect and throwing her out of his life. But she was thankful for it. She was no longer that scary cat she used to be. If u hav to survive in this world u had to be strong, it was aftrall survival of the fittest.

Aftr few minutes both came back , now Eros seemed little calm. Nathan simply smiled at Elizay and went out with out telling anything.

Eros simply closed the door and stood facing her observing for full 5 minutes. No doubt he knew her , she was someone in his life before he lost his memory. He was no idiot he was familiar with her. He just simply shrugged it off and clearing his voice he spoke,

" It seems Nathan trusts u very much . He told me u r the best candidate to be my PA. Well let me tell u I am very strict when it comes to my business I don't tolerate tardiness. Since I lost my memory I need time to cope up with everything and u would be helping me. I would pay u enuf money and clothes. Clearly what ur wearing is shabby and u dont have any good clothes . I can't let u be seen in such clothes. I need u to dress up neatly and u will be my shadow . U would come with me wherever I go. My schedule, my preferences everything shud be on tip of ur tongue , I hope u get it and that room over there is urs. I am staying here only for few months after that I would go back , only until then you would be my PA. Do u understand?"

"Yes sir I clearly understand. I am not a DOG. Your comments about my clothes were out of line. Dont you think if I had money I would buy nice clothes. Clearly I don't have money that's y I am here. Otherwise y would I evn bother working for u. I also don't tolerate insults. About ur work u would see my capabilities starting tomorrow. I would make sure u hav every thing u need from tomorrow. And one more thing learn to give respect first and then expect it back"

After calmly answering him she went towards her room and shut the door. He had to be taught to respect ppl , today she was seeing the faults in him clearly. He was ordering her as if she was his slave. She obviously so blind in her love that she dint realise he was not perfect, not God. She won't stand his insults again like she used to.

Eros clenched his fist tightly, nobody spoke to him like that , not evn Nathan or Angelo. How dare a mere poor girl back answer him. No way he was going to tolerate it. He would torture her with so much work that she would leave his job and run . No one dared to answer him  back with such audacity. He never really bothered about anyone until now. It was not going to change in future. He would teach her a lesson for disrespecting him . He soon made a mission to make her life hell.

But little did he know that it won't be her but his life was soon going to become hell with having her around . He was going to become frustrated with his own feelings towards her.

Well how was today's chapter? Did u like our fiesty Elizay ? I am going to tell u it's not easy for anyone to change their behaviour suddenly, evn Elizay is not an exception. She is still a soft hearted , kind girl. Just the 10 years pent up anger is making her do these things . I am certainly going to love her .

Guys d response is weak, plzz express ur views about my story . I want to know whether u like the story track or no . Plzz readers help me.

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