Chapter 8

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Elizay was shocked. She did not even imagine that she would see him again at all. But yet he was there right in front of her. She dint know whether to curse her bad luck or be happy to see him. But one thing was sure that she no longer saw him like a god whom she had literally worshipped and kissed the ground she walked on. Her heart dint flutter ,her toes dint curl evn aftr seeing him.

She was just like a statue standing there among others watching him . He had indeed changed a lot in last few months. He was looking little weak and had a scar on forehead. Maybe he got hurt but why did she care? He was the one who threw her out mercilessly and handed over to mafia. Ofcourse he had come along with that mafia leader , Nathan who had asked her to go to prison.

Obviously both were friends and heartless ppl. Now she was realising what are the consequences of loving someone beyond limit. But was there a limit for love? She dint knw. But she knew one thing for sure that she would never treat anyone like he and her father treated her. Hell evn now she could not hate him or her father. Her problem was she was too forgiving and selfless , but look where it had brought her. Enough of self pitying.

What was he doing here with his friend. Dint they knw she was here afterall . He was d one who dint want to see her then y was he here . When Lily told her that one of the biggest company was starting a new hotel chain and was becoming a partner of EXOTICA , she dint expect it would The Eros Adrian Deluca. Every one of the staff members had prepared to welcome him and  his friend and were very much excited . Ofcourse who wouldn't be after all this was the biggest collaboration of the year that too with EROS that was not a joke .

She wondered from when Eros got interested in hotel business. As much as she knew he was very passionate about stock and shares and playing in the market after all he was THE KING OF MODERN STOCK MARKET.

Now she would have to see his face until this collaboration finishes. Untill that he would stay in the hotel. Ohh freaking bad luck  he was staring at her...........!

Eros observed the staff carefully analysing everyone. But in the middle of all these he saw a certain black haired girl at the corner standing aloof and frowning at him. He dint even know her y was she scowling at him. Hell yeah was he looking at her ? She was not attractive , certainly not. But yet he had a magnetic pull towards her . It was like he knew her from many years , strange! That accident was messing up with his brain . No he certainly was not attracted to her and would never like any woman.

Nathan had a smirk on his face. He knew what Eros and Elizay were thinking . He was enjoying it . Damn cunning bastard! He knew now it was time to make Eros fall madly and passionately in love with Elizay , what Eros himself couldn't do for 10 years ,he would do it in few days. After all he was his only friend and all he wanted was to see Eros happy.

Lily and Fabiano Assuncao escorted each of them to their respective rooms in the top floor, where was the penthouse. As soon as Eros got his room he took a shower and took his tablet aftr all the journey was very tiring and doctor had told him to rest. He would think about that black haired girl later. He slept peacefully not knowing what Nathan was upto.

Nathan on the other hand went in search of Elizay to do what he came fo r remembering the events at the hospital.

Doctor continued,  " as u both know that he had a very brutal accident 10 years before he had gotten hurt at a particular nerve which was repaired. But now since again he has got hurt there he has lost memory of past 10 years. He doesn't know what happened to him past  10 years. I cannot tell u exactly how much he remembers. But I can assure u that he will eventually regain his memory back.  That's all you can go and see him. "

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