Chapter 4

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Eros reached his step - father's mansion. Angelo Masaretti was sitting in front of dining table and having his breakfast along with his wife, Eleanor. Eros hated to even look at his mother. He just couldn't get it how that woman still had audacity to order him even after what she did.Unfortunately he respected Angelo so to keep his word he came to meet him. He knew if he summoned him urgently the matter was very important.

Angelo was very happy to see his son after a long time. Even though he was not his flesh and blood he loved him like his own . The reason he had married a selfish bitch like Eleanor was only to make Eros his son legally and give him his inheritance. He had loved Eros from the day he was born . He was a very happy kid back then when his father, Markos was alive. Angelo had loved his best friend a lot then . He even tried to warn Markos about Eleanor's​ fake pretence but he had not believed him and cut off all ties with Angelo . After that Markos obviously suffered his fate for believing a bitch like Eleanor. Angelo was very sad when he found about Markos. He desperately wanted to make his son. He wanted to pay for all the help Markos had done at the time of his crisis. He searched for Eros . But Eros had ran away from Eleanor by then as he couldn't bear the torture given to him.

After that Markos had to marry Eleanor to make Eros his legal heir. But Eros was permanently scarred. He couldn't do anything. Rest is history. Now he had a very urgent matter to discuss. Now was the time for Eros to know the truth. The truth why he was actually married to Elizay.

"Eros I heard about your divorce. Why dint you bother telling me about her? I thought I could trust you but no you had to break my belief in you. Why did you do what you did?"

" Angelo why are you so concerned about her? You knw she just like Eleanor, a gold digging whore. I threw her out of my house. I am going to divorce her.I thought you could understand that. I know first I misunderstood you but later I realised you married Eleanor for me ,to make me your son . I am glad you are in my life. My dad admired you a lot but don't interfere in my personal life. What I do in my marital life is none of your concern .As far as I know you forced her on me . I told you I dint want to marry. She deserves what I did to her"

" Shut up,just shut up. You are a bastard. I thought you would be like your father, a kind hearted man . No I was wrong you just turned out to be like Eleanor. Do you have any clue what you have done? I chose her for you thinking she would change your views on life and get you out of your hatred filled world. But instead of her changing you , you destroyed her ? After 10 years of marriage still you couldn't understand her? What a pity..."

Eros was shocked never in his life had Angelo raised his voice on Eros but now he was shouting and comparing him to his so called mother.

Angelo continued to shout at Eros.

"I thought you were better than that. Who told you that Elizay is a gold digging whore? How could you even say that. Do you know anything about her at all??? What kind of blind man are you who cannot see the difference between a glass piece and a diamond? Elizay is the same girl because of whom you are today a billionaire . Let me tell you the truth you had to know much earlier. Eros Elizay is not what you think. She is a pure hearted innocent girl who loves you more than her life. "

Angelo started telling him the truth behind his marriage and the truth behind an incident that happened 10 years ago.

" You know Elizay's grand father was a very strict man . When he came to know about his son's affair and about his illegitimate daughter he was furious. He was a man who loved his reputation dearly. In order to prevent the damage his son had done to his reputation he bought Elizay to his mansion. But he never provided her with love. His son hated Elizay simply because he lost his inheritance . Elizay was always considered a burden there. She was living a life worser than servants. I don't know how those ppl could hurt her ? She is so innocent and kind hearted that after all those things also she never hated anyone. She forgave everyone for whatever they did to her. I knew the minute I saw her that she was perfect for you. She would change your thinking and would make you a better man. But I didn't think you would be even worser than her family . I saw that girl she practically worshipped the ground you walked on. How could you not see that ? Was 10 years not enough for you to see that. I thought one day or the other you would realise it. But I was so wrong."

" You called her gold digging whore and threw her out really?? Do you have any idea that if she wanted she could throw you out. Whatever you own today she is equal partner of that . Do you know about it? "

Eros was shocked with these revelations. He never knew that Elizay's life was so difficult even worser than his. Now he was also dumbfounded about her being his equal partner. He waited for Angelo to tell him the whole truth .

" You remember 10 years ago when you just started your business you had taken a huge loan and invested it in wrong stock and lost everything. You had borrowed that money from the mafia . When You suffered a severe accident at that time and was hospitalized the mafia ppl came to know about your failure and wanted that whole money back . But you were not in a position to repay them. I told you I had repaid that debt. But I dint repay that debt because I was also in a very tight position that time. My business had invested it in huge advertising campaign. It was Elizay who had repaid that debt . I could only arrange very little money. But rest of the money she had arranged. She sold the house which her mother had been living and all the jewelry her mother had given her before she died. She sold her mother's things which was more precious than her life just to save you. Still the money was not enough. You were fighting for your life . Mafia threatened to kill you. So at last Elizay begged those ppl to leave you. She told she would do anything to pay that remaining money. At that time they were caught by police when their drug delivery had gone wrong. They wanted to arrest mafia ppl. So mafia asked Elizay to surrender herself to police and to take whole blame on her head in exchange of your life. She did that . She suffered in prison for 3 months continuously. They tortured her thinking that she was involved with the mafia. But never once she opened her mouth . When you opened your eyes in that hospital bed and dint see Elizay she dint leave you. She was suffering in prison. Even when you despised her that time she always loved you. She took a promise from me to not tell you anything about it. Afterwards I got her released and hurried the news. When you became alright and again started your business and took me to be your partner for the debt you thought I paid , I named my whole shares in Elizay's name without your knowledge. I made sure to keep it a secret. Elizay had refused it but I made her to keep quiet . Whenever I was attending your meeting I was attending it on behalf of Elizay and not on my own account. All these years I kept quiet​ even though I knew how you were treating her. I am so disappointed with you. Please go and bring my daughter-in -law back . Atleast now give her right and love her. I want to see my grandchildren fast. Come back only when you have asked for her forgiveness and made her rightfully your wife . Go "

But it was too late to do anything. Eros had destroyed everything. He dint know whether to cry or laugh at his situation. He alone was responsible for what had happened. Now he was sure Elizay hated him . He wanted to scream . God what had he done?

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