Chapter 6

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Eros as soon as he reached home ,he tried contacting The Price , most dangerous mafia in the world whom he had known since he was a teenager. He had told them to leave Elizay safely somewhere far from Seattle. The mafia leader Nathaniel Price had been the person who was close to Eros and sometimes may be called his friend because both had same dream that is to be the number one in their respective fields. Ther relationship was very strange sometimes they were good with each other and sometimes they treated each other as their enemies but always at the end when they had unsolved problems they would always seek each other.

Well how did Eros meet Nathan ? Well that was a big story. Eros after escaping his mother and her bastards of friends he was sleeping and eating in roads. It was then he met Nathaniel who is 5 years his senior. Nathaniel always wanted to rule the world and was a very intelligent business man .

Eros had heard enough about him . At that time he was 16 and Nathaniel was 21. Even at such a young age he was surprised how Nathaniel was so powerful. He had knew at that time that Nathaniel would be the first step towards success.

He approached Nathaniel to teach him the tactics of business world ,to defeat the enemy ,to be the one who was feared by ppl.

Well basically Nathaniel was his trainer. It was very hard to please Nathaniel yet he still strived and learnt under him for 2 years until he was whisked back by his mother again .

Nathaniel was as ruthless as Eros. Now Eros knew that 10 years back when he had asked for loan from him and he had sent his wife jail ,he was very angry at Nathaniel.

But he knew Nathaniel dint care for anyone other than business just like Eros. Eros had asked Nathaniel to take Elizay from Nebraska to some other country and leave her there.

"Nathaniel ,this is Eros I had asked you to take Elizay somewhere far ,tell me where is she now?"

"Oh Eros well hello to you too. Why do you want to know about her ? If you are worrying whether the work is done or no don't worry my men have done their work."

"Nathan I want to know where is she. So kindly tell me where to find her ,I want her back. And is it true that 10 years earlier you had her in jail to take blame for one of your failed consignment? U blackmailed that you would kill me? "

"Well don't be surprised Eros abviously that time I needed someone to help me out of my situation and your wife was the best option since you had to pay my money back i asked her to accept blame it in return . Now bloody don't be surprised u very well knw for my business I can do anything.
But I won't ever kill you. I have known you for almost 20 years and taught you the basics of business . I just knew that if I threatened to kill you she would agree. Well it's not tat you care about her anyway and to answer your question she is in Brazil. Now why are you bothered about that poor girl ? Hadn't she suffered enough under you ? You still want to torcher her?

" Nathan why dint you tell me all these things ? I thought I could trust you but no you are after all bloody selfish . How could you even let a woman be tortured in cell ? Have you no consideration that she was innocent ? Dammit man I have always hated her . Why dint you tell me anything ? You knw wat let's cut this bloody partnership I am out of all your legal businesses you do wat u want to do . I won't ever bother you. The day u made my wife suffer in prison u r no longer my friend"

"Dude will u chill a little. What has happened to u ? Y r u acting like a stupid man? . I knw I am a very cruel man but that does not mean I don't consider anything. I . She was very faithful and devoted to u. And one more thing at that time we were not close to each other so obviously treated u the way I treated everyone . I only thought u business basics it dint mean u were my dear one at that time.i had many apprentices under me at tat time . I dint knw u well enough . I made sure no body in prison raised their hands on your dear wife and after that I completely erased all the police records and for ur information let me tell u I knew then and there u were lucky to have her . But u never liked to discuss ur personal matters nor me. So I thought u would know and Elizay herself told me that she would tell u and I should not mention it to you or anyone for that matter and I agreed because it would simply tarnish her character and I am a man of my word,I never break it . Listen man I am the mafia I agree I hav no heart and at tat time I did wat I thought was right . At tat time u were just a man who had to repay my debt for me. But now after all these years I consider u my friend and do all u tell me to do without one more question. I knw wat I did back then was wrong but that does not give u any right to treat me the way u r treating me. I just came to know about ur personal life through news of ur divorce . I came to knw he u treated her just at the time of ur divorce. Tats y wen u asked me to take her to some other country I did tat thinking she would be happy because u already tortured her enough . I would have also told u the truth but I knew u never deserved to knw tat u knw y because u treated the woman who was ur responsibility like a trash . I made sure she is safely living in Brazil. Although​ I admire your business sense , u don't deserve her . I knw I am a mafia I am born heartless but any woman who will be my responsibility I will make sure to keep her safe and fulfill my responsibility. You have always considered her a burden other wise u would not tell me to get rid of her. So don't act like a saint and if u don't want to keep partnership then fine I don't want it either. "

Aftr tat Eros cut the call. Reality hit him on his face. He was the one to be blamed. Whatever Nathan told was right . When he himself dint consider her human how could he expect some other person to treat her properly.

It was because if him today ppl insulted and hurted Elizay. He never bothered to look whether she was alive or dead not he had cared for her. He never knew wat she ate or wat she did . He was so busy hating her he never bothered to open his eyes and realise the truth.

He had caused enough damage. Hell how could he do that to a woman who willingly went to jail for him , who never used one single penny from his property or who never asked for anything. Even he would not have done if he was in her place.

For the very first time he realised he never knew anything about her except her name. He was a biggest fool. No matter what but he would rectify his grave mistake and would bring Elizay back no matter what the cost was. At least then he would remove himself from his guilty concious.

He knew she deserved to be loved but he could not love anyone he would make her life better and would see she lived happily with the person who loved her like she always deserved. With these thoughts he left for Brazil in search of Elizay leaving all his business at the side.

But unknown to him , he had already started falling for her.

Nathan is plays a very important role in their life.
Wat role would Nathan play in their lives ? What do you think guys whether he will make Eros realise his love or would he be a villain in this story. To knw keep in touch with my story . IF YOUR THINKING THAT THERE WOUlD BE A LOVE TRIANGLE OR RECTANGLE , NO DONT THINK THAT , BECAUSE THERE WONT BE ANY SUCH THING IT WOULD BE TOO CLICHE AND TOO BORING .
He will have very interesting character to play.

I know u all probably hate Eros because he such a pain in the ass smtimes . But don't worry poor Eros will suffer in future ( let me tell u he will suffer very much ) wat say guys he deserves it for treating Elizay so badly right?

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