Chapter 10

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Hey ppl plzz forgive me but I really suck at writing in someone's POV. I did try but it was very bad I cannot really think in someone's POV. Plzz forgive me for it.

Also loads of thanks to my friends dreamshy , TajeraTee , purple053, metamorpos, j3nnamom for constantly encouraging by voting for my book. This chapter is a dedicated to u ppl specially.

At 4 am , Eros got up as usual. He freshened up and got ready to head to gym. He paused at her room and peeked inside she was sleeping like a child hugging her pillow. He smiled looking at her. She was a strong woman he could make out from yesterday's heated argument between them. Aftr the argument he went to his room and could only think about her.

He wanted her leave him not because he thought she was incapable, ofcourse he could identify whether a person was a hard worker or not just by looking at them. Yesterday he didn't want to insult her , but he had to make sure no one got close to him , not after that incident.

It was just like yesterday that incident had occured aftr which his hatred only intensified more towards women. Not that all women were bad but everytime he came across these gold digging whores only which destroyed his trust altogether. He didn't want to trust anyone.

Elizay was someone who totally shook his beliefs just in one meeting. She was making her way into his mind everytime. He felt like he knew her from really long time. He would never tread to go through that dangerous path of love towards any woman. So he had to make sure to make Elizay's life a hell so that she is forced to leave him. He could not refuse Nathan yesterday when he persistently told him to keep her.

He came near her bed and looked at her innocent child like face. Agreed,she was not who attracted male towards her, she was not very good looking but he knew that beauty is not something external , it is something within that makes a person beautiful. His sorry excuse of a mother has a very attractive body as well as face which lurred many men towards her but she had a black heart. He hated that woman like anything for what she did to him , who even sold him for her boyfriend's sick sexual pleasures. He could never forget those haunting memories.

But looking at Elizay calmed his heart and mind. He was not able to understand his feelings , how can someone so quickly make her way to his mind?

It was not that he looked down upon poor people or insulted them to keep them below him , it's just his way of guarding himself from any probable future heartaches. He had suffered too much , that he refused to tread on those dangerous path of love.

No woman stirred so deep feelings in him like Elizay . He sat near the edge of the bed , looking at her he could tell that she was a deep sleeper. She was shivering due to cold , he pulled the blanket over her and touched her soft , silky hair which were sprawled out on the pillow. He bent to kiss her on forehead , after pressing a kiss on her forehead he softly started speaking ,

" I am sorry Elizay. I am going to give you a tough time. I am sorry for insulting you yesterday. My intention was to hurt you purposely so that u would get scared and leave . But you are a strong woman. So to make you leave I am going to make sure you hate me for whatever I do. I can't let anyone come near me , I have very deep scars on my heart which run deep. I can't let anyone else suffer along with me. You deserve someone much better. I have to put a full stop for my feelings towards you . "

He could not understand how someone could affect him in just one meeting. She was shaking his beliefs and he could not afford it. In the end both would be hurting . He shook his head and came out of her room.

What is wrong with him? He never evn glanced at any woman let alone touch them. Here he not only kissed her forehead like some love sick teenager but also asked her forgiveness and explained himself when she was sleeping like some creep. She was messing with his head badly and he needed to get rid of her as soon as possible.

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