037: p r i v a t e

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Boyfriend apparently? 👑❤️

Why are birds so terrible?

It's probably the wings, makes them
think they're better than everyone else

Tbh i'm really thrown now bc I didnt think
you would actually reply

Why wouldn't I?

Apparent from the fact that it's 3am?

You're up aren't you?

I can't sleep

Something bothering you love?

It doesn't matter, why are you up? ❤️

I can't sleep.
Something's bothering me but i'm not
going to tell you what it is 🙃


Hurts doesn't it?

I didn't mean it like that
If I tell you, you can't laugh at me okay

I'm not going to laugh
Unless it's another bird query



I love you.
[message deleted]

I'm head over heels in love with you
Jo and I'm scared if I tell you, you'll
[message deleted]

I'm just stressing over this scene tomorrow
I feel like i'm going to screw it up

You won't.
Thea, you are an amazing actress. You're
incredible to work with and you always
produce something amazing and true to
your character. You're going to ace that

Why are you such a blessing?
Thanks Jo ❤️

I mean it, Thea bean.

Goodnight Joseph 😊

Night love ❤️

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