048: g r o u p c h a t

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Cynthia's Cecret Circle

You have my sincerest apologies but
I am skipping our dinner tonight, my
children require my assistance

Lol sorry me too xoxo
Not for Daniel's children
I just can't be bothered

Worst Salvatore
.... Well now I look slack copping out

Well geez is anyone still coming?

Buzz Lightyear
Wait what dinner?

You people are unbelievable
Can you please not bail? There is a motif
to my madness

Worst Salvatore
Fun prank: no one actually go

Ho(l)t 👅💦
Nate it's at Cynth's house @ 8 tonight

Nina you're coming I don't care if you're
feeling lazy.
Paul you better have a good reason.
Daniel find a babysitter.

I didn't cook for 11 people for you all to
eat ramen on your couches instead...

I was kidding I'm not being lazy, Julie asked
me to run some errands and you know me...
People pleaser and all

Worst Salvatore
I genuinely can't, my kitchen sink basically
exploded and I'm waiting on the plumber

Any chance you can come over after he
finishes? It's pretty important...

Graham Crackers
...Nina was my ride?
Someone give me a lift xoxo

I got you, kit Kat

Ho(l)t 👅💦
I mean I drove back into state just for this so

Paul hook me up with a lift?

Jesus Christ do any of you have cars?

Buzz Lightyear
Phoebe I'll drive you

Okay so it's just Nina, Paul and Daniel
that are still on the fence?

Worst Salvatore
I'm sorry Cynth, I'll make it up to you 😟

Next coffee dates my shout babe!! ❤️❤️

My real kids suck sorry fake daughter

It's okay guys, I'll just have to catch
you all up later...

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