Wolf's Elements

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Bella p.o.v.

"Lesson 1:  gather all anger, hate, despair....all of it! And push it, way down, to the pit of your stomach..." he said having a knowing stance showing he once knew what to do.
I did what he told me doing the same stance pushing my those feelings to the pit of my stomach....so far so good

"Lesson 2: concentrate, put those emotion and imagine it going towards to target and destroying it...if you can destroy it you should be able to work from there" he said smirking...thinking he's won....thinking he has himself victory
I do as he says, but not for the last time.
I concentrate the emotions inside of me, and focus it on the target across the room for now...
Suddenly, out of the palm of my hands, there it is...my howling heart powers, shooting toward the target...its.... Earth, fire, water, wind, and spirit.
The elements
I had the elements as my power, the most powerful of all howling heart powers....only one other wolf in the world....they disappeared when my uncle started his little hunt.....howling hearts, especially powerful ones like my uncle was, now that i was, usually live either unusually long or turn immortal and live forever, stopping the ageing process at the point in time they meet there biggest challenge..... Or something big happens and they face it without fear.

I look at him, waiting....he's just stands there, staring at the target that is now covered in vines, ice, pieces blown of from wind, some fire, and part glowing from the power of spirit. "Wolf's elements..." he says finally looking at me " you have the gift of wolf's elements..."
He starts to laugh....eh... Not a pretty sound.... " its time to figure out which is more powerful for u my howl. It wont be easy... But if you're ready"
Hmm...im thinking i know which is my most powerful...

Sorry for the short chapter.
Hope you all enjoy it, and have enjoyed the rest of the book so far.... Let me know what you think, and ask anything that's on your mind. I love you, stay beautiful~ Diana

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