love...part 2

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* still harry*

yeah, thats what im goin to do....tell bella i love her...sure we havent gotten to really know each other but...we will as soon as shes mine...

i quickly ran out the door and changed and followed bella soothing scent, i was running, running like my life depended on me reaching bella in time, it kinda did, cuz its said if werewolfs dont find there mate before times up they something bad one really know what happends...but its suppose to be horrible...anyway, im in the bushes hiding, i found bella...she was looking at the sky, admiring the stars and the almost full moon. she look beautiful, the moon hiting her fur perfectly made it shine, made it call to me like she wanted me there with her so i gathered all my strenght and walked out. her ears moved toward me then her face...she tenced for a second then calmed done after figuring out it was me and not one of those black monsters...hey she said mind liking. hi, what are you doing out here? its freezing it was true i was starting to shiver a bit...and i have fur!!!! yeah, it is a bit out here to empty my mind, think things through,you know..

*bella p.o.v*

it was true...i was thinking...and even though i didint know harry well...i lile him alot more than a just seemed right to be with felt secure being near him...if i looked into his murky green eyes i got lost in a trance...and his smell wasint like any werewolf i have ever smelled and his personality is beyond words that can explain things...harry himself was....just....perfect....even just hearing him speak made my heart skip a beat....the knowlege of him being near made me and my wolf go insane....was it true...was i....bella love...even though the other boys were suppose to be my was clear as a cloudless day that i was to choose the one i want out of the five....zayn has perrie so...that helps me choose...and i feel alot more for it was as plain as the nose on my face in human form that my choice was harry....harry....i think i need to tell you something...something important... i could see his perfect face in the corner of my eye...he was frozen and not looking at me...he was looking behind me with fear in his wolfen shaped eyes...i could feel another pair of eyes on me....i turned slowly....and standing there was my uncle that had killed my family, my uncle jacob.....

dunnhhhh dunhh duhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

oh...interesting...if you have read the hole storie you would know that jacob was harrys changer and gemmas murderer....yep...

well vote and comment if u want an imagine...come on i dont bite.....well whatever luv u all, stay beautiful-diana

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