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bella, hope im not interrupting something he said, even with that dark colored wolf shaped head covered in black fur, you could still make out that devilish smirk that almost always ment trouble. the next thing he said was now lets see here. a howling heart and a boy who should of died a long time ago. he chuckled deeply, i growled renembering what he did to harry and his sister a few years ago.( werewolfs age fast at first but stop aging at the age of 19)

even though jacob seem like trouble i was bigger than he i will shine some light on the subject. my father came from a long long line of the strongest most powerful werewolfs that ever came, they all were ment to run the werewolf kingdom eventually and my father was next...but he let someone else have it so he could take care of me and my mother, and also all those stronger werewolfs came with one special power, all of them diffrent from the other. my father had the power to see into the future, one day when i was a baby he saw a glimps of my future, and instead of going to tell my mum, he told carol who later told me that what he saw was me becoming one of the last sttonger more powerful werewolfs and destroy the dark place for good...

anyway...i got vonfused for a moment... whats a howling heart?

harry looked from my uncle to me so you dont know? that bitch of a mother and a waist of fur of a father and a waist of time angle didint tell you? jacob said before harry could. him calling my family and close friend those thing angered me, and before i knew it i blacked out...

wgen i woke up my uncle was limping away in pain, me, i was covered in a little blood. my once bright clean white with splotches here and there fur was now incredibly dirty harry was standing behind a bush looking like he just saw a ghost or....wait....what happend after i blacked thoughts were interupted by jacob yelling before he disappeared behind the line of trees. he said this isint the last time you will see me bella, i will kill the last of who stands in my way of being head werewolf...i will kill you!!! and he was gone......i walked over to harry and he hesitated for a second...i stopped wondering why he looked a little scared of me...what hapoend after i blacked out did i so called gain my special power if so...what was it?

hi hi hi hi guyz...hope your enjoying my book....i really eish you would tell me what u guyz hate to just keep writing for no reason but because im in a thoughtful mood....well if u gotz questions dont be afraid to ask!!!! luv ya guyz and dont forget to stay beautiful!!!!!

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