Ch.2: I Can't Tell

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The next morning, Daehyun and I walked to school together. I felt nervous that Daehyun will confront Zelo for me, I'm afraid Zelo might do something to me for this.

We found him in the hallway, putting stuff in his locker. Daehyun grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight, letting me know everything was going to be okay. I took a deep breath when we approached him.

"Junhong, we need to talk," Daehyun firmly said. He turned around and looked at us two.

"Anything wrong?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, quit bothering Lauren. She doesn't deserve it, and if you keep bothering her, I'll get the principal involved," he told Zelo. Zelo gave me a freezing glare, staring me down. I knew I was in trouble, in HUGE trouble.

"Don't worry, I won't mess with her again," he said, shutting his locker harshly and bumping my shoulder intentionally as he passed by.

"He better keep his word. You tell me if he still bothers you, okay?" Daehyun said. I nodded.

"I have to go to class, take care. Remember, you're beautiful," he told me before pecking my cheek and walking off. I saw him disappear into the hallway, making me feel unsafe.

While I walked to class, random people would pass by me and say some sort of negativity, but I'm used to it. I really am. The things is, no one started to treat me this way until Zelo did, so I put the blame on him for this.

I nervously stepped into the classroom, and I received a paper ball to my head which followed along with a chuckle. I ignored it and walked to my seat. Although I took the seat near the teacher, the teacher could care less if I got bullied. Or maybe this old lady is just blind and deaf now.

"Alright kids, get out your homework," she said. I got out mine and so did others, but others just sat there.

"Miss, Lauren stole my homework!" Yelled Jessica. She literally worships Zelo, she has the biggest crush on him and she bullies me as well.

"Lauren, that is unacceptable!" The teacher yelled. I opened my mouth in shock.

"How are you going to accuse me?! I didn't do it, believe me!" I exclaimed. The teacher only shook her head.

"You should be ashamed, Lauren. You'll receive a zero for this assignment," the teacher stated. I sighed. I was already failing this class from all the troubles I have in here.

The smirks of Jessica could be heard from the whole room, and I just felt broken down.

When it was lunchtime, I decided to skip it. I wasn't hungry anyways and I wanted to be alone. While I walked in the empty hallway, I heard footsteps. Before I could turn around to see who it could be, I was already slammed against the red lockers.

"So you went to go snitch on me to your little boyfriend, huh?" Zelo said with a smirk as he observed my frightened face.

I knew I was in big trouble, I'll surely get beat up now. He yanked a strand of my hair and pulled it downward, causing it to sting on my side of my head. I whimpered in pain as he pulled it harder, making me go down to the floor with the strand.

"Let me give you a warning. Don't you dare go around snitching, or else my crew and I will beat you till you're dead," he threatened fiercely, giving one last harsh pull to my hair and then shoving my head sideways. He walked away, getting out of my sight as he got blurry to my vision because my eyes started to water.

That's what I get for telling Daehyun. I mean, he knows I get bullied but I convince him not to say a word. I can't tell anyone, and I have no one to tell because no one cares and everyone hates me.

"Are you okay?" I heard someone ask. I looked up to see Himchan, one of Zelo's friends. I flinched to see him, because his friends hate me as well.

"Lauren, I won't hurt you," he said softly, kneeling down next to me.

"Don't cry.." He whispered, caressing my cheeks. Why is he doing this? I barely even know this guy, and he has the reputation of dating girl after girl.

"Zelo's a jerk. Don't be sad," he said, standing up. He offered his hands to help me get up and I accepted. He was about to put me in his arms until a sudden yell stopped him.

"Get your hands off her!" I heard someone yell. Daehyun was walking towards us with an angry face. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Himchan.

"Stay away from her," he firmly told him. Himchan put his hands up in defeat and walked away, leaving me and Daehyun alone in the hallway.

"What did he do to you? Why are you crying?" He asked worriedly. I shook my head.

"Nothing, really. He didn't do anything, he just noticed me crying," I told him.

"And why were you crying?" He asked. I kept my mouth shut and started crying again. I couldn't tell him, or else they'll beat me. Maybe the whole school will just hate me even more.

All I did was hug him tight and cry in his arms, with him not saying a word but hugging me back, knowing it's the best he could do.

He let go and looked at me. "I have to go back to the cafeteria, come with me," he said. I shook my head.

"No, remember last time I went in there? I was attacked by raisins and tater tots!" I exclaimed.

"That was two weeks ago, two weeks that you haven't been eating lunch. Come with me, I promise nothing will happen to you," he told me. I gulped but nodded. I trust him, I know nothing happens when I'm near him. I don't know why everyone leaves me alone when I'm with him, no one even gives me a glare or anything.

We walked to the lunchroom together linking arms. Although I am safe with Daehyun, I was nervous. So many kids, so many students that don't consider my presence pleasant.

"Sit here, I'll go get you some food. You must be hungry," Daehyun said, seating me in an empty lunch room table. I became scared when he went out of sight, I was alone in this lunchroom. My heart pounded to feel something hit my shoulder. I looked over to see a raisin had fallen on the table. Great. Just, great.

"Awww, it's the loner~!" A girl hissed, walking past me as her little followers burst into laughter as well.

A random boy passed by me and ruffled my hair harshly, making it all messy. As I tried to put my hair back into place, I felt someone stare from afar. I turned to see Zelo on the other table with his friends, he had been staring at me with just a blank face. No hateful eyes, no disgust, just a regular stare the random kid in your class gives you. When he noticed I was staring at him, he rolled his eyes at me and went back to talking to his friends. It's sad, my crush hates me. He bullies me. He treats me like trash, it's not fair.

"Lauren, here's your food," Daehyun said, bringing me a tray of food and sat next to me.

While I ate, Daehyun watched me. He observed every bite I took. Every sip of water I drank. I didn't mind it at all, his eyes were angelic as if they were watching over me. While people passed by us, no one bothered me. No one glared at me, no one smirked at me to their friends. I am thankful to have a friend like Daehyun, I have no idea what I would do without him.

Yet, he can't help me out of my miseries. He can't be by my side all the time, and he can't stop the school from hating me.

I can't tell anyone about what is happening, it's not like they'd care. Plus, the teachers would not do anything at all. Even if they did, Zelo would beat me up with his crew, and his little crew is not a group to mess with. At all.

Why does it have to be me that the whole school bullies?

Why does it have to be my crush that hates me?

And the main question is, why am I even in this world?


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