Chapter 1

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Do you know there's going to be a new student?

Is it he or she?

I think it is a he, also they say he is hot and a total bad boy.

OMG really....

I groaned, homeroom was the worst. The teachers wouldn't care about the students since it's not really a class, it's more like a free period and this is the time I couldn't really control them. I hated it.

Suddenly the whole class went silence, I tilted my head, looking up with an bored expression. I heard gasps and whispering, and I finally saw what they were freaking out about.

A boy with dirty-blond wavy hair that looked like it could never be tamed. The hair curling at the nape of his neck, some even falling over his eyes which he impatiently shook it away. Dark, icy blue eyes that seemed to be as dark as the ocean, with as many secrets.  He was wearing a black t-shirt that hugged his body so well that you could see his six packs with a black leather jacket over it, with a pair of dark blue jeans. His looks screamed player and typical bad boy and literally saying he shouldn't be mess with.

I couldn't help but rolled my eyes at how stereotypical his looks were. But he was definitely not bad looking... he almost seems like one of those fictional character....

Suddenly, I felt his dark blue eyes on me, he smirked, no doubt thinking I was checking him out. Which I totally was not.... I stared back at him, raising an eyebrow challenging him.

"Class this is Asher Hunt. Asher would you like to take a sit besides Laura Clark. Laura please shows him around the school if needed ok?" Mr. Eric, a Chinese guy in his late twenties, my home room teacher asked me, smiling expecting me to say yes.

I couldn't destroy my reputation for one stupid boy...

"Of course, hi Asher! Welcome to Brooklyn high school!" I said giving him a smile while trying not to scowl at him. Which I was sure only fooled Mr Eric.

"Hi Laura, such a pretty name for a pretty girl." Asher said dragging at my name, sitting down besides me, giving me a wink. I groaned, Oh gods, he was going to be that type of boy.

The whole homeroom, I tried to read my notes for next period but of course Asher was trying to get my attention the whole time. Throwing pens and papers at me, tapping my table or chatting with students around him loudly. I ignored him the best I could. The bell rang saving me, it's the first time I'm happy that the bell rang.

I quickly rushed out of the room, students stepping aside quickly, opening a way for me to pass like the Red Sea. Suddenly, I bumped into someone I was prepared to shout at that person for not watching where they were going, it was only Maya.


"Oh my gods." We both said at the same time. We laughed.

"You go first-"

"You go first-" this time we laughed even harder, clutching our stomach, doubling over.

"Ok you go first." I said finally able to stand up properly.

"Ok did you see the new student? He is like so hot do you think he is that guy." She said bouncing up and down on her feet excitedly, her blond hair which was in a messy bun flying around wildly.

"Oh, he's not even that good looking also he is just so arrogant and rude and his ego is the size of your closet, maybe even bigger." I said scowling.

She frowned, then slowly it turned upside down. "Omg I can see the plot happening! You two be like 'sworn enemies' and then fall in love omg. I already ship you guys!" She gushed, her green eyes, sparkling and she started to jump around like a child having an early Christmas.

My scowl deepened, "This is not one of the romantic cheesy movie you had watched or whatever! This is reality. And he is going to destroy everything I had ever built in this school! All my reputations and my hard work will be gone!"

"Chill, I'm just saying." She said wiggling her eyebrows, giggling, still living in her fantasy.

I was about to said something when I realised if we didn't go to class right now, we were going to be late for the first time in history.

"Maya! We are going to be late, hurry!" I said as we ran to our next period.

Luckily, Asher isn't in the next few periods. I was happy that he wouldn't be disturbing me or anything. While Maya was grumbling about how her 'ship' wouldn't 'sail' if they didn't have the same classes, and I just told her to shut up and focus on reality. During lunchtime, students was whispering about the new student, gossiping, especially the cheerleaders that were already trying to hook up with him. I was tired of all the gossiping, so I smacked my hand on my lunch table which didn't seemed to startled Maya who was the only one in my table, eating her lunch. The whole cafeteria went deafening silence.

"Shut up." I said simply, and then sat down happily enjoying my quiet surrounding. The gossips died down and all the students ate quickly to get out to talk. But then a throat cleared behind me. Gasps and hushed voices were heard. I turned around wondering who dared to challenge me. Although I already had a faint idea who would.

Of course, it's Asher. He gave me a smirk before yelling, "FOOD FIGHT." No one moved or dared do anything. I smirked at him crossing my arm in front of my chest. His smirked wavered a little but then he did something no one had ever done before. He grabbed his pasta and threw it right. At. My. Face.

The gasps of students filled the air. I wiped my face, getting rid of the pasta. Abruptly, I got up from my chair and slammed my hand onto the table. All eyes were on me. I could feel the tension and fear in the air. My chair hitting the ground was the only sound. I glared at him murderously. He couldn't meet my glare and fear showed on his face but he tried to mask it. I spoke slowly, letting the meaning of my words slowly soaked into him,

"Oh it's on."

The Nerd Who Rules The SchoolHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin