Chapter 46

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"Hey," Asher greeted back at me, as I got in his car.

He restarted the engine but his eyes were not on the road, instead they glanced at the clockwork angel between my collarbones.

"It's Maya's present, " I answered his unasked question.


"You know," I hesitated, "she left me a letter like how she always does." I didn't care about the tense. "And she mentioned about us, she said that she always knew about us."

He chuckled, "You were the only one who didn't know, I'm pretty sure over half the school knew about it."

I scowled at him playfully, "I'm not that dense! And how am I suppose to know?"

He rolled his eyes, "well, then how did over half the school knew?"

"You are just assuming." I scoffed.

"You want to bet?" He said with a challenging.


"If we walk in right now and kiss I bet you, you will hear people saying finally or something along the line."

"Fine. When I win, you owe me."

"If you win, and when I win, you will owe me a date." He turned off the engine and flashed me a smirk. It had been too long since I had seen it and I definitely had missed it.

"You are on," and we shook hands. The bet was officially on.

I had no idea why I even agreed to this. Maya is definitely going to be proud if she sees me do dumb stuff like this. God knows how long she has been trying to get me to do dumb stuff.

When we walked in, everything was normal, except for the fact that he had entwined our hands and everyone was definitely staring.

Whispers filled the air and my signature glare returned onto my face. Too soon, we arrived to my locker and I guessed this was the time.

Is it too late to back out now?

He spun me around to face him and cupped my chin. He still had that arrogant smirk on his face but his eyes spoke differently. He gave me the chance to push him away, to drop the whole thing; of course I wouldn't take it. I never liked losing.

I did not know if I was just too focus on him or the whole school had gone silence; I think it was the latter, but I didn't notice.

His arm snaked around me when I didn't push him away and pulled me even closer. Ever so slowly, as if he enjoyed tormenting me, his face inched closer, until our lips were just micrometers apart.

"You can still back o-"

My lips were on his before either of us knew it. The arm around my waist tightened and I could feel his hand caressing my hair. I could never get used to this feeling, his soft lips slowly moving against mine. Everything was gone, except for him and him alone.

Too soon, he pulled away and finally I remembered that we were actually in school. Never had I been so glad that I could not blush when I was embarrassed, because everyone was gaping like goldfishes out of water.

"What?" I snapped at the audiences, my glare back on full force.

They shuffled away slowly, giving us sideway glances.

"I knew it."

"I was kind of expecting it but this is still unexpected."

"Finally, the way he was constantly looking at her made me sick."

"Told you," he gave me a triumph grin.

I tried to scowl but my lips refused to budge, it even curved upwards against my will, "Yeah, whatever." I said sourly.

"I believe you owe me a date," the cocky smirk returned and I had to use everything in me to not smile.

The bell rang before I could reply, "oh look, it's time for class, see you later." I said with fake cheeriness. I spun around and tried to leave before he could stop me.

But of course, he was ready. He caught my wrist before I could leave and pulled me towards him once again.

"Wednesday 4pm, I will pick you up at your house, wear something casual." He breathed into my ear. Wednesday was the last day of school before Christmas holiday.

"I didn't even agree to it," I said halfheartedly.

"You should go to class, or else you will be late," he completely ignored my reply. Then he let go of me, stepped back, turned around and left, before my mind could fully process what just happened.

I was glad my body was on autopilot and managed to bring me to class before second bell, because class was definitely not on my mind.

All I could hear in class were whispers and get sideway glances, but I couldn't care more or less; because some stupid boy refused to get out of my mind.

I couldn't stop replaying the kiss and conversations; and I had to constantly remind myself to not smile like an idiot.

Morning quickly passed by and finally lunch arrived. Asher was already leaning against my locker when I was there to put away the books.

"You should stop glaring so much," he commented as he casually slung an arm over my shoulders.

I rolled my eyes, but against my will, my lips tugged upwards.

Are we dating? I mean he asked me out but like is it just a date or like as in date date like boyfriend and girlfriend? Gods this is all so confusing why?

I wish she is here, things will definitely not be so confusing and I will not be like right now, not knowing how to act.

"Is there actually anything inside? Is it a locket?" He questioned, glancing at my clockwork angel that I was absentmindedly toying with.

"Yeah, it's a locket. There're pictures inside." A small smile made it's way onto my face, but the familiar pain returned.

I didn't even noticed we had sat down on his friends' table and only did when four pair of eyes were on us.

My smile dropped subconsciously, tension built as we sat down and the silence continued on. Although there were more people sitting around this table then my usual empty table, it still felt too spacious. There were only six of us, it was supposed to be eight.

Jake was next to me instead of her. More times than I could have count, I had turned towards him thinking of her. Every time, he gave me a weird look.

I looked around for Tom, but he was nowhere in sight. He shouldn't be alone right now.

The bell finally ended the torturous lunch and I was the first one out of the cafeteria, with Asher right at my heels.

We didn't say anything as we walked back to my locker to get the books for the next few periods.

After I waited for him to get his books, he laced his hand with mine and gave me a squeeze. No words were exchanged but he spoke loud and clear.

We didn't let go until we must.

The Nerd Who Rules The SchoolOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora