Chapter 15

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"Your house?" Asher asked, leaning casually against the lockers besides mine.

"Sure." I answered, I got the books I needed and closed my locker.

I got into his car before he said anything, he gave me a look, I shrugged in replied.

He smiled, not a smirk, but a smile. I think that's the first time I had ever seen him smile, and it's breathtaking. It transformed his whole face; it's normal playful demeanor changed to a genuine smile, there's no other word to describe it other than beautiful.

The car ride for once was comfortable, knowing that he didn't like Maya and the fact that Tom asked Maya out.

"How did Maya take it?" He asked, one hand steering the wheel, eyeing me from the corner of his eyes.

"Not bad, Tom finally asked her out." I said excitedly.

"That's great." He sounded relieved.

We arrived and went into my living room, and started edit the video. We finished it pretty quick. We even practiced a few times for the presentation. It was easy and well, Asher was surprisingly very helpful today.

"Wow, who knew you could actually do something." I said jokingly.

He put a hand over his heart and said dramatically, "I'm offended, I am the best partner anyone could ever ask for."

I laughed, "Yea sure." I teased.

"Do you want to leave or...." I trailed off, normally, he would leave when my parents arrived. But now it's only 5:30.

"Stay?" He said uncertainly.


Awkward silence.

"Do you want something to eat?" I offered.

"Sure." And we went off to the kitchen.

Once we both got ice cream and drinks, we were back to the living room with the awkward silence.

"21 questions?" He suggested.

"I don't mind."

The first few questions were easy and simple, like birthday, favorite color, food, etc. When I asked him did he had siblings, he tensed up and his eyes darken, "A brother." He said shortly.

"Older?" I asked curiously.

"Yes." His tone was hard and I knew I should drop it.

"Do you have any other friends besides Maya?" He asked.

"No." I answered truthfully.

"Why?" He frowned.

"There's no need for a lot of friends."

"Wouldn't it get lonely, or boring?"

"No, I only need Maya, I don't need any fake friends."


Then we asked about embarrassing stories and other stuff. As we talked, I realized Asher was not bad, he was actually a good person. I was surprised that I did not mind befriending him.

There were only three questions left, I finally asked the question that had been burning my on my mind since day one, "Do you have a crush?"

He remained silence, his smile now seemed force. I pressed on, taking the risk and hoping that I wasn't pushing him too much.

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