Chapter 48

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And I was just worrying my mind out for him and he freaking stood me up? I can't believe I believed him. I knew it, things were too good to be true. Of course why will he choose me, just a freaking nerd.

I thought angrily as I wiped all my makeup off.

Stupid stupid stupid. I even tried to put makeup on for him. All this freaking for him and gods why am I so stupid.

I changed back into my pjs, and to distract myself, I binge watched Pretty Little Liars; but even binge watching my favorite show didn't get my mind off him.

Dinner was tensed, my parents knew and they were furious and disappointed in themselves for believing in him. I acted like it didn't affect me, like it was no big deal.

They were skeptical, but they didn't want to bring it up. As soon as I finished dinner, I hurried back into my room, mumbling that I wanted to finish binge watching Pretty Little Liars.

It was hard to ignore their sympathetic eyes that followed me until I was up the stairs. I tried to watch a few episodes but it was completely useless. I gave up soon after that and ended reading. Still my mind refused to shut up and I kept on replaying all the possibilities.

How am I ever going to be able to face him? Do I just pretend nothing happened? But how could I? Does this means he was playing me this whole freaking time? Was his confession nothing? The kisses?

But the worse thing was that despite all of this, I was glad he wasn't in an accident. And some part of me, deep down still hoped it was real and not some stupid joke.

But what else could have happened? Why? I don't understand.

Sleep finally found me after hours of torturing myself with the same thoughts over and over again, replaying in my head like a broken tape.

Buzz buzz buzz

Am I dreaming?

Slowly I blinked, trying to regain my eyesight, but the darkness didn't disappear. Squinting my eyes hard, the faint outline of my room appeared.

Buzz buzz buzz

"What is that freaking noise?" I muttered to myself, "whatever I'm going back to sleep."

Buzz buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz

Buzz buzz buzz

"URGH." I threw off my blanket and listened intensely for the source of it.

Buzz buzz buzz

It came from my nightstand, my brain couldn't work, then I finally realized it was my phone.

Who the fuck is messaging me this late at night. I'm going to murder them.

Scowling, I grabbed my phone and was almost blinded by my screen. After adjusting it, I finally saw what was on my phone.

5 missed calls from Asher

23 messages from Asher.

Asher? What Asher? Then the events of today rushed back to me and I was even more angry then before.

First he stood me up, then he wake me up, I am going to murder him.

I wanted to mute it, block him, turn off my phone, but curiosity got to the better of me and reluctantly I opened his messages.

Hey you are probably asleep but I'm sorry

I'm really sorry I know what I did was shitty but please let me explain

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