Chapter 7

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"And then I slammed the door in his face again." I finished.

"Wow, he should be glad he is alive." She said, after she heard what had happened.

"I know right, I don't know how I will be able to work with him." I groaned.

"But hey, at least there's still three weeks left." She pointed out.

Yes, we finished half of the essay already, with me doing most of the work, but at least he did help research and wrote a few pages.

"Urghhhhh I hate my life." I sighed.

"It's fine, just three more week, besides, we can take down the cheerleaders, we have enough stuff on them, and if most of the cheerleaders stop helping him, the remaining will also stop." She tried to cheer me up.

"Yea, maybe I can worry less about that." I agreed.

Soon we talked about other stuff like gossips and books. What, nerds could not gossip? Everyone gossips.

"So, any new crushes?" I asked her after we pretty much gossiped about everyone in our school.

"No," she said, looking into my eyes, but her hands fidget with the hem of her skirt.

"Okay, spill the beans," I said excitedly, knowing that she was lying.

She groaned in frustration, "Why do you always know when I am lying?"

"Maybe because I had known you since we are in preschool?" I suggested sarcastically.

"What about you?" She tried to change the topic.

"Hmmmnnn I do have one." I said teasingly, trying to sound serious.

"Oh my god who?" She said-screamed at me.

"Will," I said.

"The jock?" She frowned, scrunching up her eyebrows.

"Herondale." I laughed.

She pushed my shoulder playfully, "Oh my god I knew it."

"No you didn't, you thought I'm going to have a crush. Ha, jokes on you." I laughed.

"Ok stop changing the topic, who?" I asked once again.

She mumbled something under her breathe.

"What? Who?" I said impatiently.

"Okay, fine, Asher." She said embarrassingly, casting her eyes downwards.

"Asher! What? That asshole?" I looked at her as if she just said Hannah Baker is alive.


"What is wrong with you? Are you sick?" I asked her seriously, I put my hand on her forehead, checking her temperature. She slapped it away.

"Why would you even like him anyways!" I asked her incredulously.

"It's just that, he is hot okay!" She admitted embarrassingly.

"You don't even know him that well, you are not even close." I argued.

"Well, you don't know Will either." She rolled her eyes.

"I've known him since his is 17!" I said protectively.

Realizing that she had almost successfully changed the topic. "You can do better." I said shaking my head.

"Yeah Yeah, Whatever, it's not like I want to date him or anything." She laughed nervously.

"Oh my god, you do want to date him." Realization slapped me in the face, I felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured over my head.

She said nothing and her silence was enough to answer my question.

"Oh my god-" I started to hyperventilate.

"Okay fine yes, omg calm down."


She covered her ears, "Yes, whatever can we change the topic?"

"Okay fine." I said, when I finally could process the fact that my best friend likes Asher Hunt.

So we talked about other things for the whole night and soon fell asleep.

Fortunately, on Monday I only had one lesson with Asher, which was history, second period.

Because we had the project, our teacher decided it was a good idea to let us sit next to our partner for the whole semester.

"Hey Laura." Asher said to me once I sat down.

I decided to ignore him, since I'm still angry and it's weird talking to your best friend's crush.

"Hey." He continued to annoyed me even when Mr Sean started the lesson.



"Oh my gods, shut up." I hissed at him angrily, I sure do hiss a lot.

"Not until you talk to me." He said stubbornly.

"Okay talk." I demanded.

"Bossy much?" He grumbled.

I raised an eyebrow, "Done? Okay."

"No no, I'm sorry." He apologized sincerely again.

"Fine you are forgiven." I forgave him just to get him to stop talking and because he was my best friend's crush. I continued to listen to Mr Sean's lecture about China's history. Bo-ring.

He breath a sigh of relief. Why does he care if I forgive him or not?

"Can we do the project today?" He asked me.

I nodded.

Thank gods he did not disturb me for the rest of the period.

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