Chapter 13

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Time froze, all I could feel was his lips, just a peck, lightly touching mine. Then it left, a second later, and time once again passed as if nothing had happened. I could once again hear the sound of people partying.

"Come on, I should take you home." He said gently, he pulled me up and put his arms around me, supporting my weight.

My mind was empty the whole ride, soon I passed out. The last thing I felt was someone carrying me bridal style.

I woke up, feeling this wicked headache.


I'm having my first hangover! I didn't know should I be happy or sad. I groaned, this was so much worst than I thought.

Someone knocked on my door and my dad came in, "Hey Laura, how is the hangover." He teased me.

I groaned, not able to say anything.

He chuckled, "Come down stairs when you are ready, we made the special tea that could cure your hangover in no time." And he shut the door softly, but it sounded very loud to me and I groaned in pain once again.

It took me ages before I managed to get down and join my family for breakfast, or their lunch whatever you wanted to call it.

I drank the tea and felt better, but still tired and the headache was still there.

"How was last night?" My dad asked, while sipping his coffee.

So I told him, that I did the project and how I won in beer pong, drank a whole bottle of champagne, and how I finally socialize, which was just talking with Tom and I told them he likes Maya, then I couldn't remember anything.

"Who brought me home last night? The last thing I remembered was talking to Tom." I asked them.

"Asher." My mom replied, placing a plate of pancakes for me.

Asher? Why him. I racked my brain for information, everything was fuzzy after the talked with Tom. The harder I tried to remember, the more painful my headache got.

"He sure is a nice boy." My dad added unnecessarily.

After brunch, I went back into my room, lay on my bed, and called Maya.

"Hey." I greeted her.

"Hey." She answered hoarsely.

"Wicked hangover?"


"Who brought you home?" I asked her.

"Asher, according to my mom."

"Asher? He brought me home too."

"What?" I could hear a bit of jealousy.

Should I tell her Tom likes her?

"Hey Maya."

"Right here."

"Tom likes you."

The line went silence, and I was scared that she ended the call.

"WHAT?" She screamed, then she groaned in pain.

"Yes Tom the football player, that cute guy likes you, he told me yesterday."

"Wow, girl you sure had a wild night tell me everything."

So I did.

"Wow." She said once again, speechless.

"I'm so proud of you Lau, you had your first party, first hangover, first beer pong game which you slay in, and socializing? Who are you and what have you done with the Laura Clark I known." She said, I could hear the pride in her voice, and how happy she was for me.

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