Chapter 50

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Christmas break passed like a car with serious issues; sometimes going so fast you didn't even know or so slow even a snail could beat it. Days spent with my family and Asher passed in the blink of an eye. The other days, it went so agonizingly slow, I couldn't help but noticed her empty presence. Those were the days where my not so long buried demons and monsters decided to pay me a visit; but it was better now, because I knew how to banish them and I had Tom. We started texting and talking a lot, with me trying to help him get back up and him keeping me from drowning.

It was nice talking to someone who missed her as much as I do, understanding her the way no one ever had or will. It was good to let it all out.

At least now Tom was eating regularly and gained back the weight he lost, and his sleep schedule improved. He was trying, and that was all that mattered.

It was time for school again. I couldn't decide whether I should be thankful that I had something to do again or annoyed that I had school.

The first day back was weird, people knew about Asher and I yet they still stared at us like we grew two heads or something. I was happy that Tom finally joined us for lunch and for once he actually filled his sweater and he smiled. No one was surprised at Tom and I's friendship, maybe it was true that death brings people closer. But I wished I didn't needed this way to be brought closer to other people.

Things were actually going surprisingly well, as well as it could be without her. I dared say that I became friends with my lunch table, I actually had friends. I missed her a lot but it became more bearable, and Asher was great. I swore he was the perfect boyfriend, I knew I was being cliché by saying this but it was true. I was still surprised by how he was still with me after everything, when he could literally have anyone.

But if he doesn't pick up my call right now I am so going to break up with him, I thought as I called him for the thousandths time. I was going to be late if he didn't arrive soon.

With no other choice, I called Tom, "hey do you mind picking me up?"

He sounded surprised, "Sure,"

I thank him before hanging up, giving one last try, I texted Asher again.

Well if you are not picking me up I'm calling Tom to pick me up, you better tell me why you are not answering your phone.

Asher wasn't in school that day, I tried to not think about it too much but my overthinking self couldn't.

If he is sick he could have texted me, I mean he wouldn't be in an accident right? Okay Laura stop jumping into conclusions. What happened then? His brother again? I just hope he is okay.

School couldn't have ended fast enough. During lunch everyone reassured me that he would be fine, that there was no need to worry. I put on a smile and told them I was not.

Right after school, I tried to get a ride to Asher's house. I should really get a car.

I couldn't find Tom anywhere and the first person I saw was Grace.

"Hey will you mind driving me to Asher's house?"

"Yeah sure no problem,"

"Thank you so much,"

"It's nothing,"

The car ride was filled with mindless conversations that did nothing to distract my running-all-over-the-place thoughts. When we arrived I thank her again.

"How are you going to get back home?" She asked worriedly.

I gave her a reassuring smile, "I will be fine."

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