Chapter 28

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All I could do was stare at him, dumbfounded.
I was completely caught off guard, I never expected him to say that out of all the things he could had said.

Oh shit what should I reply what do people normally say in these situations? "You mean you like me like a crush? Like like me?" That's so dumb! Oh no he is waiting what should I say. Wait, do I like him?

Maybe, I'm not sure. I mean I don't not like him but- Urgh. Why is this so confusing. I need time to think oh no but I'm running out of time shit oh no shuck.

Dam I wish Maya is here, I really need her help Urgh why Maya. Can I stop time? I wish I have-

"Laura?" He asked after a long pause, he rubbed his neck nervously, his glance shifty.

"I have no idea how to reply to you." I answered helplessly. He ducked his head, hiding behind his mop if blonde hair, and said nothing. My bed suddenly seemed too tiny despite the fact that it was almost queen size. He was too close, the presence of him alone was clouding my thoughts.

I started to panic, "It's not like everyday someone confess to me. And the alcohol is making me not think straight." Yeah, right. Alcohol. Blame it on the alcohol, good job Laura. "And I just seriously have no idea how to answer you. I'm so sorry."

"Laura, it's okay. I don't know what I was expecting but I clearly was not expecting this." He tried to joke to lighten the mood which I was glad for.

"Why me? Why do you like me out of all people?" I asked, trying to make sense of the swirl-wind of emotions inside of me right now.

"I-I don't know, you are just different from the rest." He said, a small smile dancing on his lips. "You don't care what others think about you, you won't let anyone step over you and the way you held yourself in school? That is amazing. You are never afraid, you were the only person brave enough to go against me."

I scoffed at that and muttered, "Egotistic much?"

He chuckled lightly at that but continued on, "You are so wise, wiser than anyone beyond your age. You never judged me."

"I did, at first. But then I realized you are not who you are trying to portray yourself to be." I corrected him. But he just shook his head, disagreeing with me.

"And you are so honest, you never hide yourself."

I was about to interrupt him again but he cut me off with a look, "And there is just so much more of you that I... like. I like you, all parts of you. The parts you think are bad, good, all of it. I like you for you." He finished, those intense blue eyes never leaving mine.

I was once again speechless; how do you reply to that? I sat there gaping at him, probably looking liked a startled goldfish that was suddenly thrown onto land.

I had never expected anyone to say this to me, this seemed too surreal. Doesn't things like this only happens in stories?

"Asher, I-" Once again I was cut off, but this time was by the worried voice of my mom, "Laura? Laura!"

Wow why do all parents have such great timing.

I couldn't tell if I was more glad or annoyed, most likely a mixture of both.

"Mom, I'm in my room." It was a split second decision, and I added, "Asher is also in here with me."

Asher jumped off my bed liked it was on fire and scrambled on the chair near my desk.

"Oh hello Asher, this is surprising...but it's nice to see you." My mom seemed uncharacteristically off, something was seriously wrong. I frowned, she didn't ask why Asher is here, which she normally would.

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