Familiar faces

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"Are you done getting ready yet Anna." Said Alex I sighed "give me a second." I told him from the inside of the bathroom this is his fourth time asking me the same question again doesn't he understand that I take longer getting ready I don't want to look weird.

I put my hair in a high ponytail and I put on my black sweater and I was ready to leave I have my necklace out so anyone can see it. I usually try to hide it from the eyes of people but I felt something deep in my heart that I should show everyone this necklace which is a strange thing to saw and also the other reason why it because it matches my clothes.

I look at Alex he has his hair flip back and was wearing a suit which he look charming wearing it. When he sees me he smiles at me. "Anna my beautiful Anna you finally came out of the bathroom." I shook my head and I smiled at him. "Shall we go." He takes his hand out for me.

And I grab it "we shall." I told him and we both walked away I close the door of the room me and Alex were staying in. When we went downstairs I see junior and Justin talking to each other. "Junior,Justin hello." Said Alex they both looked at us and gave us a head nod. "Hello." They both said.

I got closer to Alex and I couldn't help but to think that today is my birthday I am officially 20 years old and I also Anna birthday is today I wonder how old she will be. "Hey Alex how old will Anna be?" I asked him. "She will be 20 today." The same age as me?
Something inside of me feels strange what is this feeling.

"Ah..hh." I felt pain in my stomach and I hold on to my stomach Alex holds me and he slowly sat me down on the stairs. "Hey you alright Anna." Said Alex in a worried tone I hold to his hand and I tighten my hold all I heard was mumbling when Alex spoke. Father a few seconds the pain I felt went away.

I look at Alex "I'm alright I don't know what was that sorry did I scared you?" I ask Alex his eyes held a concern look on me. "Yeah are you sure you alright." I nodded. "Come let stand up." I told him and he helps me up. "Hello again lycans come along with me everyone is already at the place." Says the same male and we followed him outside.

I felt this tugging feeling on my stomach that was making me nervous we continue to walk until I saw millions of people wearing black and looking down they were all in big circle. When we walked to where we were supposed to stand I look at what was in the middle and it was a bunny with a dress on.

It was the same bunny that I was holding in my dreams I gulped and I look down at my toes. "If we can all have a moment of silence when lycan john and lycan Emma and also lycan alpha Oscar comes to say their payers to the fallen lycan Anna." Said a elder lady. I continue on staring down.

And I heard the sounds of footsteps walking and it stops "my sweet Anna mommy loves you a lot we miss you so much...remember that necklace I gave you I hope you are wearing it my daughter." The lady said. I took a deep breath and I look at them my heart drops.

The man looks like my dad from my dreams and the lady looks like my mom and I knew right then and there that I found my parents I drop to the ground and Alex sees what I did. "Anna what wrong Anna." He says to me I cover my mouth and I continue to cry. My parents the are alive they didn't abandon me because they didn't want me they thought I am dead.

I can hear voices saying "what wrong with her." And Alex kept on asking me what wrong while patting my back. And I heard my mother voice "hey it alright no need to cry for Anna she is in a better place." I heard my mother speak. I stop crying and I stood up I took a slow breath and I look up "mommy daddy It me Anna." I told both of them.

My mother looks at my dad and back at me and they look at my necklace and I saw tears coming down there eyes I see Oscar "ANNA!" He yells I ran up to him and I hug him I finally found my parents and my brother. I feel my mother and father hugging me and crying.

"Anna my sweet Anna you are alive." She says and I heard shouts of victory and happiness some of the people were crying. I still couldn't believe i found my parents I continue on hugging my brother. And I stop and I hug my mom. She pulls me back until she looks at my face.

"My baby girl has grown up to be a beautiful 20 year old woman I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you my child." She tells me in a honest voice. I look at my father and I ran up to him. "My child my baby girl thank the moon goddess that you aren't dead." He tells me. And we stop hugging.

I look at both of them "why did you left me all alone." Both of them held pain in their eyes my brother comes up to me and tells me " we were getting attack sweetie it wasn't that we didn't want you but you were in danger." Tells my brother my mother yells "OSCAR SHUSH!" Yells my mom in a stern voice.

"No mom it okay please can..can you tell me I want to know please it involves me mom I have a right to know." My mother sighs and nods "we tell you but not today please I have just found my daughter isn't dead but alive." I nod at her and she smiles. "But daughter how you came here." I turn my head.

And I look at Alex he walks forward to me and holds my hand in his I heard my brother growl and my dad growl towards Alex. "Lycan Alex what is this. Said my brother "he is my mate." My mother yells in happiness "lycan Alex is your mate my baby girl has found her mate." Says my mom and then she quickly adds "and you two boys can't tell her nothing so I suggest you stop growling at our guest and be a MAN!"

I look at my mom and smiled I can see who is the one in charge in the house. "Mom It okay I may not remember much but I have a feeling that they are really over protective of me and you." She nods and smiles. "Come dear let's go." Said my mom and she starts walking away I pull on Alex arm.

And we walked away happily I felt happiness in me I have my mate and I found my parents but then I stop "I'm a lycan too." I look at Alex and he looks at me and said "yeah Anna is their something wrong with being a lycan?" I shook my head and I wrap my arms around him and continue on walking.

"No Alex there isn't anything wrong being a lycan."

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