Chapter 2

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I looked at him, confused.

"What do you mean?"

Ted turned his eyes down to the window sill, and just bit his nip nervously.

"I don't know, Tim. But babies are disappearing, and I'm just scared of what will happen if I don't get on this case." He looked back up at me and took a sigh out. He shrugged his shoulders just the slightest, feeling uncomfortable in showing vulnerability of his fear. But he spoke. "I'm going back up tonight."

"I'm coming with you."

I said that instantly, not letting a second pass where he could stop me from offering. From demanding. Ted looked into my eyes, nervous.

I knew from that look that he was worried what would happen to me if I got involved, but I was not going to let my little brother go into this mystery and battle alone.

"Templeton, I don't think you-"

"Listen, Ted." I said. I stood back up from the window sill and clasped my hands around his chubby small waist, lifting him down back to the ground. "I'm your OLDER brother. You may have a mind like an adult, but you do not have the ability to open doors."

Ted just smirked when I said that, looking up at me from the ground. He looked so tiny from so faraway. But still, even with the confidence that exuded off him I could tell he was unsure about himself.

He sighed, yet again. He lifted his chubby little hand up, to give a handshake on it and said.

"Alright... deal."

I smiled, delighted that I'd get to visit Babycorp again, but this time for real and not just as a projection of my consciousness when I had used the pacifier.

I bent my knees a little and reached my hand forward, shaking his tiny hand by holding my thumb and index finger in a little clench around his tiny balled fist.

When we both let go, I said excitedly.

"So how exactly do we get there in person?"

"Come with me, Templeton." Ted said, confidently smiling, and his concerns seem to melt away- or at least masked so not to worry me.

We walked down the stairs and arrived outside to the front lawn. I looked to see a taxi was parked against the curb, awaiting to pick up Ted and now me.

"Come on." my little baby brother told me as he strolled across the footpath, and it was at that moment that I noticed he had something in his right hand now.

A suitcase...

When did he have time to pick that up?

But the bigger worry that was filtering through my thoughts was-

Why would he take it... as it had all his personal belongings? We were just going to solve this mystery and come home. So... why take it?

I looked at it cautiously, but didn't let any words escape my mouth as I followed my baby brother up the path.

When he reached the door, just a few seconds before me, he smiled as he pointed up to the handle and I smirked, pulling it down and we both got inside the back seats.

I looked at the interior of the taxi for a brief second.

It looked like any other taxi I had ever been in. Maybe a bit more polished and smooth inside. The seats felt comfy and it had an air of newness about it.

I looked ahead of me to see that there was no driver however and I paused my peering around, confused.

"Er, Ted... who's driving this?"

Ted just looked up at me. His suitcase was being held on his lap, like it was very precious to him and he just gave a coy grin.

"It's an automatic driven car."

"You mean... computers work it?"

"Only the finest computers in the world. Sent down from Babycorp."

"What do you mean by... 'sent' down?"

I looked at him, concerned as I said this and he just gave a wink. The taxi suddenly started to drive by itself and I startled back against my chair by the sudden pulling away from it's parked spot.

"This is scary." I said, a feeling of slight terror running through me.

"It's about to get a whole lot scarier." Ted said with a small huff of a laugh and suddenly the taxi sped up. It shot forward down the long straight road like a roller-coaster, and I felt my body suddenly press hard against the cushioned seat as the pressure from the speed pulled both of us back.

I suddenly gasped when I felt our seat belts tighten and the taxi start to transform from the inside out. I felt my seat bolt back and forth, Ted's doing the same as we both were moved to the center of the vehicle while the metal doors change into control pads and suddenly instead of going forward like we had done previous. We went up.

I let out a scream at the sudden change in direction and after a second I realized that I was no longer in a taxi- but a real live rocket ship!

I looked through the windows of my suburban home below and could see it disappearing in seconds as we shot through the clouds.

I looked at my brother for some comfort or reassurance from this scary thrill ride but all I saw was him laughing at the fun of it all.

My eyes stared only at him in disbelief. How was this funny?!

Suddenly, in the distance, above the clouds... I saw it.

Babycorp. And how it looked glorious.

The rocket ship seemed to slow it's speed as I could feel the fire from below was dying down, before it completely extinguished. I was about ready for us to plummet to the earth below. My eyes clenched closed in terror. Though all I heard, was the rocket's doors slide open like an elevator lift.

Ted unbuckled himself and pat me on the leg, to get my attention. I squinted at the touch, but opened one eye up first, to see if I was dead or still alive.

When I saw that we were in the arrivals section, and that the main quarters were empty in the distance, I stiffened a little.

"Welcome," Ted said, not affected by this sight. "To Babycorp."

I looked around, and swallowed afraid. This did not look good and I uttered out.

"More like Emptycorp..."

Baby Be Gone - A Boss Baby FanficWhere stories live. Discover now