Chapter 9

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The two of us looked down at him in silent horror.

"Francis Francis?" I peeped.

"The one and only." he said, wobbling up onto his feet as he toddled up to the wooden rails of his cot and looked at us with an evil grin. "I see you've foolishly brought me back. Why, perhaps?" he asked, holding his two hands up in a gesture as if he was confused and making a guess, "To laugh in my face as I cannot do a THING in this INFANT body!"

"Hey!" Ted said to him, angrily and glared his aqua eyes into Francis's blue ones. "I find that offensive! There's plenty of things a baby can do!"

"Except open doors," I had to add in quickly and Ted glared his eyes up at me annoyed, I zipped my mouth quickly.

"Well," Francis just continued and without any warning snatched the bottle out of my hand again.

"Hey!" I shouted, Ted's mouth dropping open in shock. I quickly tried to snatch the bottle back off the chubby blonde baby but he jumped just as my hands collided towards him, and suddenly ran up my arms. He bounced off my head to the baby wooden chimes hanging above his crib, and he snickered as he whispered, shaking the formula bottle in his hand.

"I'll keep this."

"Oh no you won't!" Me and Ted both screamed and he suddenly pulled a teasing face. Our yell, we suddenly realized, had been so loud that heavy running footsteps had started to climb the stairs and we could hear it rattle through the walls.

"Oh no..." I peeped, and picked up Ted, heading for the window.

"Tim!" Ted shouted at me, as I began to hastily get away from the door. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

My left leg was already dangling out the window as I knew who was coming, and I threw Ted onto the red tangled parachute, my brother screaming at the throw.

Suddenly Eugene smashed through the wooden door, yelling in a furious posh voice.


My eyes widened, and I quickly looked up at Francis Francis, as he shook the bottle sneakily, before letting go of the chimes and dropping back into his crib. When he hit his cushions, he let out a loud screaming wail.

In a flash of a second, Eugene turned his eyes to Francis in the cot, seeing him screaming, and then turned his furious gaze at me.

"Hee hee..." I said nervously, waving quickly goodbye as I jumped to the nearest branch of the tree.

"GET HIM!" I heard Francis Francis's voice scream in fury. I didn't know if Eugene did what he was told because his baby brother was speaking again, or because he was just too overcome with anger at me. But as I swung across the branches to the parachute, I suddenly saw Eugene jump through the window like a gorilla ready to kill.

"AHH!" Me and Ted screamed together, and I quickly reached the parachute. The tree began to bend a little at the trunk like an elastic band, and I grabbed Ted, holding him close as we squirmed in panic in the red elastic parachute.

"What are we going to do, TIM?!" Ted yelled at me, and I looked seeing Eugene boulder up the tree towards us. He was bending our branch so close to the ground, that an idea popped into my mind that I knew would work.

"Remember how everyone has a tickle spot...?" I said to Ted quickly, and Eugene was literally just over us, about to attack.

"Uh huh?!" Ted said quickly.

"Well TICKLE!" I demanded, and we both started tickling Eugene. The bulky man burst out into an uncontrollable fit of giggles, toppling off the branch.

"That worked-!"

Before Ted could finish his sentence, the tree flipped back up straight, and we were flung high through the air.

We both screamed as we soared through the sky and I saw the roof of the barn approaching us quickly. I grabbed Ted, holding him close as we collided into the window. It didn't smash though, but just spun around in a few flips, spinning us with it as we landed in a crash onto the upper room of the barn.

I shook my head dizzy, but all I saw was Ted quickly get up on his chubby legs, running to the control pad that shone from the sun hitting it through the glass.

"Okay, Tim, time to go!" Ted yelled at me, and I quickly stumbled to my feet as well. I picked him up as he slammed his hand down on the red button.

In a split second there was a giant crash, and before we knew it, the two of us were looking at the old yellow rocket ship that had smashed through the metal roof.

"Get in! Get in!" Ted screamed at me, and I obeyed. I pulled open the door and we both hopped in to the control room.

I went to pull the door shut, but suddenly I stiffened as I heard a growl, and looked before me, seeing Eugene clutching the upper room's timber floor with his nails, as he entered by the ladder.

"GO GO!" I yelled at Ted, and he nodded. He wound the gears and dials, pressing buttons and the ship suddenly let out an explosion of fire from its exhaust as it boomed into the sky.

"Yee ha!" I yelled, closing the door, but not before waving goodbye to Eugene who just grunted out.


When I had slammed the door closed, I turned with an eager smile towards Ted, but only saw him touching his head in dizziness.

"Ted, what's wrong?!" I begged to know and he looked at me scared, as he admitted.

"Tim, without that formula, I'm going to turn babbling baby soon, and I can feel the first round coming very shortly."

"Wait?!" I said, panicked as he held the steering wheel and flew us through the sky. "What does that mean?"

"It means..." Ted said, getting dizzy, and he looked to his watch to see how much time had passed since he had taken his formula. "We have to go back up to Babycorp for more." He looked at me solemnly as he added the next part, nearly as scared as me. "And you're going to have to fly us."

I gasped, and begged. "Ted, no! Please! I can't!"

But before he could respond, his pupils started to enlarge and he started to drool. He laughed at me, clapping his hands, and I knew he had turned.

I looked ahead of us through the window, seeing that we were now heading towards the ground.

I swallowed, terrified... and grabbed the wheel.

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