Chapter 10

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I could feel the strong metal in my child hands, and the trembling of my fingers as they gripped the steering wheel.

We were going down fast and I had NO idea what to do. I had to fly us! It was my turn to be the hero, it was my turn to think fast, be the brave one and-

"Nooooo!" I screamed, as I yanked the wheel back just before we collided to the ground and the ship suddenly swung up in the air. I could feel the boom of the fires from it's turbulent engines behind us as we blasted back high into the sky, and my teeth were chattering at the speed.

Ted was just laughing an amused infant high pitched giggle and I looked at him shocked.

"WE NEARLY DIED!" I yelled and he only had drool dripping down his chin, not understanding a word I said.

He suddenly began screaming, tears rolling down his cheeks and I covered my ear on reflex but just like that the ship plummeted downwards again.

I grabbed the wheel and twisted it back and forth, dodging the farmhouses roofs of the many wheat farmers of the area. I could feel the ship's bottom knock off the top of some poor man's roof, and looked out the window, seeing I had knocked down a chimney. I pulled the wheel all the way back up again. Knowing I had to get us above the clouds.

We soared high through the air, higher and higher, and Ted began to yawn... blinking his eyes a few times till he suddenly seemed to blink back to reality and yelled out.


"N-no." I said in a gasping voice of my own, still in terror at my ability to fly this junkyard yellow ship. "We're alive! WE'RE ALIVE!"

"YES! YOU DID IT, TIM!" Ted said, swooping his hand up in a 'you go getter!' sort of way. He pushed me aside weakly and took the steering wheel off me, much to my relief.

As he began flying the ship again, I looked down to all the countryside of the west. The brown mountains, the wavy grass... the wheat that was ready for harvest for Christmas soon.

Ted flew us just above the clouds and we both took big sighs out at the same time.

"That was so close!" I said with a chuckle. "You were a total baby again!"

"Yes... I was..."

Ted didn't seem to like that fact. He stared sternly out ahead of him through the window, like he resented being in that state of being, and I only stared at him. Suddenly annoyed myself.

"Wait! You said you didn't mind being in baby mode?"

"How am I meant to know what I mind when I have no memory or control of it!" he snapped.

I opened my mouth, shocked.

"So..." I said, astonished and wanting to get this out as we flew so high I could feel the chill of the atmosphere melt in through the metal walls. "That was all lies, what you said about wanting to return to being a stinking pooping baby?!"

Ted remained silent for a second, and just shook his head stubbornly, but I knew he was lying. I gasped.

"You want to return back to Babycorp!"

"No I don't, Tim!"

"Yes you do!"

"No!" He shouted, and glanced his eyes at me, turning his head to look at me seriously... seriously annoyed if you ask me. "I just... I wish there was an in-between... that I could be a baby and keep my memories as I grew up... that's what I want! That's all I want!"

I looked at him, and could see the sincerity and worry in his eyes.

I wasn't angry at him anymore, for I understood then exactly what he meant. I could've been a very different person before I lost my memory and if I had remained a baby. I took on this new part of me, this new persona. But if I never had, I could've been smarter, more witty... and definitely wiser.

But that wasn't me now. No. I was a kid, and Ted... he didn't want to be a kid completely...

He had worked at Babycorp, he had been a baby for a long time... he had grown up in this body. He just wanted to grow up for real... but not forget the real him.

We flew there in silence for a few minutes. I nervously bit my lip, and looked out through the window, as slowly in the distance, Babycorp appeared.

I looked at Ted, he was looking straight ahead and took a sad heavy breath out.

I finally said, looking at my brother and patting him on the back. He froze a little at the touch, a bit confused, but looked at me quietly, wanting to hear what I had to say.

"We'll find a way..."

"That's all I want..." Ted said... and when he said that he told the absolute truth. "But for now... I need that formula again. If I go twelve hours without it, that's when the affects wear off."

"Okay." I said, and now I understood completely why he had packed the bottle with him in his briefcase.

"So, we're cool?" I said, hoping all was well between us.

"Yeah... we're okay." Ted said, not using my lingo and we both just chuckled, before we saw the petrol light blinking, saying we were nearly out of fuel and I just groaned.

"Oh! Not again!"

The ship started to jerk up and down, and Ted tried steering it properly towards the station, but we were descending too quickly.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no!" he cried. He pulled the wheel up suddenly in panic and we swung upwards on to smash into the glass building hidden in the sky.

The rocket slid across the main hall of the corporation, both our eyes closed at the impact. We finally both blinked them back opened and I said hesitantly, as the door popped opened and we could see dust and broken glass everywhere.

"Well..." I smiled at my brother awkwardly, and he looked very, very concerned. "Welcome back to Babycorp..."

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