Chapter 4

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The voice that came out of the CEO baby seemed to reverberate around the circular walls of the room. It bounced in echoes and hit my ears quite harshly, like it had been magnified in volume by the surrounding walls.

"Boss Baby..."


My brother responded with this weakly, as if a little scared to say his name. The chubby baby on the high chair looked down at him annoyed.


His voice was even deeper than my brothers, like a lion roaring, and Ted nervously tugged his sleeve, not sure how he could respond to that.

"My name is now... Theodore..."

The baby that looked down at him was wearing a blue suit with his hair in red swirls. And he didn't seem amused.

"Ah yes... the one that left too soon."

"I think I was always made for family life..." Ted just responded, a little cold at what the baby had said, and the red headed baby boy just scuffed a laugh, before looking from side to side at a dark baby girl, and a baby boy who seemed to have a not very amused face on at this all.

"Okay..." the baby just said back, his face very still, but a grin seemed to be cracking up it with no control. "But you've heard of the problem?"

"Yes... babies going missing." Ted said quickly and I nodded my own head as I watched him in the distance. "But why are the employees around Babycorp gone?"

"Disappeared as well..."

"How is that possible?"

"Silence!" The baby shouted and Ted shut his mouth startled. He stood there nervously, and I wanted to take a step forward to say something and stick up for my brother, but Big Boss Baby snapped a look at me, and I stilted, not taking the step.

"They would leave work for bedtime..." the dark girl baby piped up finally, seeming to have more of a weaker, nervous voice. Ted turned his eyes quickly to her. "But then... they wouldn't come back."

"Are babies at least still being born?"

"We can't turn off the machine." The red headed astute baby said once more, cutting across his colleague. He pressed his two chubby hands to the stand and peered down at Ted, as if very infuriated by him. "So we've been directing all the babies to Babycorp to replace the workers we lost."

"What?" Ted whispered out.

"Wait a second." I blurted, not able to keep my words in and I walked to the middle of the room, demanding an answer now to what I was about to say. Big Boss Baby didn't have time to stop my intrusion into the conversation.

"How can you be directing Family Babies to business?! They're meant to be down in the world... not up here doing numbers?!"

The red headed baby just glared down at me, but I didn't care.

He spoke.

"We have to-"

"Also, how'd do you know that the business babies are really meant to be babies?! Everyone has a tickle spot!"


I shut my mouth, shocked at that reply.

The red headed baby's eyes were full of red veins from stress, as he began to breathe in and out in hurried breaths.

His face began to turn pink, his cheeks puffing in and out air and I blinked, utterly confused by this.

"Huge Boss Baby!" The girl baby said to him, trying to calm him down and tears began to well in his eyes. "Just ignore that child, he doesn't understand Babycorps purpose."

"No... I don't..." I said, lost. Huge Boss Baby began to calm a little, but tears still slipped like streams down his chubby cheeks.

He finally said, looking down at me, as if hurt. "You will never understand..."

I stood there, completely lost at what I had done, but Huge Boss Baby just said in a loud, but trembling voice.

"Theodore Templeton. Come back here when you actually are ready to make a difference."

Ted opened his mouth, shocked and a little hurt by that statement.

"I'm ready now, Huge Boss Baby. I know the importance of Babycorp, I know how serious this issue is."

"Do you really...?" Huge Boss Baby just said, and shook his chubby head, saddened by this answer.

"Yes, I do, really!"

"Then you will realize by now what the main over lapping factor of all this is..."

Ted held still for a second, confused. He looked at Huge Boss Baby, trying to read what the cause of the babies going missing was. He looked to the left at the babies so high up, each one with a solemn face... he looked to the right... the babies on the other side seemed distant and forlorn.

He finally turned his eyes back up to the center stand and looked at Huge Boss Baby, swallowing a little and at last asking.


Huge Boss Baby only sighed, and closed his eyes. He shuffled a little in his tall seat, and quietly muttered out his words.

I could barely catch a whiff of them. It was like the baby was ashamed to get them out... or was more ashamed at Ted to even say them to my brother.

But my brother gasped... as if he had heard the words plainly... I didn't understand how he could hear them and I was still so confused.

"What...?" I said, completely puzzled and the baby repeated the words again, although this time much louder and yet still quiet all the same.

"The first baby went missing the day you chose a family, Theodore."

Ted seemed to nearly faint when this was said, as he took a weak step forward to steady himself. He looked back up at Huge Boss Baby, and the baby boy just said, hate resounding in his voice.

"You are the factor that links this all together... Now choose."

Ted looked at Huge Boss Baby, worry in his aqua eyes... and I myself was full of terror at how much anger seemed to radiate from the red headed baby boy.

"Find the babies... or GET OUT and never... come back..."

I felt my chest tighten. My heart racing. I looked at my brother, as he stared up at Huge Boss Baby... and finally his answer came.

"I'm going..."

Baby Be Gone - A Boss Baby FanficWhere stories live. Discover now