Chapter 7

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When I landed on the ground, my world quickly began to change around me as my imagination started to kick in.

I got up, dressed as an outlaw from the wild west, and quickly touched the old guns on my belt sling.

"Yee ha," I said, spitting some tobacco onto the ground. I took a couple of careful steps towards the red talk bank in the distance, and knew that was where the treasure lied.

The red control pad.

"Time to rob a bank..." I said with a dark grin, and hid among the cornfields. I took quiet steps closer to the giant wooden old building, the sun blazing it's rays onto my skin and tanning it just slightly. I fixed up my Stetson, covering my eyes just the littlest.

I was going to have to plan my theft carefully and wisely.

I looked around the old bank, seeing there were no townsfolk around, and quickly found a hole in the back of it, slipping in.

When I got inside... all I saw around me were piles of gold. The golden coins reached as high as the roof nearly and I found it suspicious that there was no bankers guarding any of this.

"Looks like they weren't expecting me..." I whispered, smiling slyly. I pressed against the wooden wall, pushing against it as I made my way to the ladder which would lead up to the top room of the bank and my most prized possession.

I'd have to meet with my partner in crime soon, my blood brother Ted, the great slinger of the west, but I couldn't come empty handed without the goods.

Just as I was about to approach the tall teetering ladder, I heard a door sliding open, and I peeped, freezing. I could see the shadow of a tall bulky man stretch up the wall behind me, and I quickly dived into a pile of coins, hiding.

I peeked through them, and could see the sheriff. Boy, did he look mean. His eyes were square on the gold but, and in seconds he pulled out a shovel from his pocket, smiling his crooked grin, before shoveling it into his wagon.

"Why that little!" I said in a gasp. The law around here was so corrupt, that even the sheriff of this western town was stealing from the bank he was meant to be protecting!

He was giggling away, and I quickly forgot my own mission for a moment. I jumped out of the pile of gold and pulled out my guns, yelling at the giant man.

"Freeze, bucko!"

"Huh?!" the man said in a gasp, looking down at me in astonishment, but I didn't care. If a sheriff like him could be a crook, then a crook like me could surely be a hero.

"I said freeze... unless you want a stand off?"

I squared my eyes at him... glaring at him from my shorter stand point, before seeing him just yell in fury as he lunged at me. I gasped, jumping so high I missed his grasp. The sheriff crashed to the ground and I slammed my booted feet to his head, doing a somersault in the air before landing like a pro and saying in glee.

"Ninja!- er I mean... COWBOY!"

"HuUH?" he shouted, and did a back flip, landing just behind me and placing his hand on my cowboy shoulder with a firm grip.

I gulped, frightened. I took a moment to think through what to do.

The sheriff was about to turn me into the law, even though he had been the one to commit the crime... and I glared up at him. I held my guns tightly that were attached to my belt, before pulling them both upwards and pointing them to his throat.

"Freeze fraud! You're going to jail!"

"HUUUH?" He grunted, in total disbelief, sticking his two hands up in the air as if he were about to turn himself in.

"See." I said, grinning widely as I stepped back proudly, placing one of the guns back on my belt. I kept the one in my right hand still aimed at him. "You can't beat the law... even though you... technically are the law... BUT." I repeated, "You can't beat me, who is the new law of this here town."

I pulled out my rope that was dangling from my belt, and swung it to the bank's wooden boarders, swinging away as I shouted.

"Yee ha!"

When suddenly I felt the neck of my top being tugged on, and I swayed just above the ground, hanging there. I quickly realized why.

The sheriff had caught me by my collar and had finally arrested me.

"Hey!" I shouted.

The room slowly started to return back to reality as I saw I was in the red barn, hay everywhere instead of gold, and the red control pad still on the upper room, just lit up from a glass window in the distance.

I looked before me to see a very disgruntled Eugene... Francis's henchman and older brother and I gulped again, asking nicely.

"Let me go... please...?"

Eugene just grinned an evil beam, as he cleared his throat and answered in his posh accent.


"Oh boy..." I uttered, before, "Whoa!"

As I was swung around with him, and he headed out of the barn, taking me with him as his prisoner.

"Please Mr Francis's brother!" I begged, kicking my legs about, trying to get free but he held me far enough away that I didn't manage to hit him.

"Please let me go! I swear, I wasn't trying to rob you or anything!"

Eugene walked in his posh steps towards the farmhouse in the distance and I looked at it terrified of what would be inside.

Bandits? Ghosts? Pirates?! Or worse of all... Francis Francis himself...

"Naughty little boys like you deserve to be punished." Eugene said with a posh evil giggle and I closed my eyes terrified, as we came into the darkness of the tall farm house.

Whatever fate that befell me now... I just hoped that Ted was okay.

Baby Be Gone - A Boss Baby FanficWhere stories live. Discover now