Chapter 8

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When I opened my eyes again, having shut them to protect me from the horrific site of the interior of the farm house, I blinked surprised.

I was in a living room, the smell of cake and cookies in the air, a fire crisping away in a stove, and the whole atmosphere a pleasant and homely one.

I gulped, nervously. This all seemed very suspicious and dangerous in a way. I jumped back a little in my armchair when Eugene entered back in the room with a tray of chocolate cake, brownies and hot coco. I watched cautiously as he placed it on the coffee table before me, fixing the tray to make it align with the table's edges, and he smiled at me, slyly.

I felt my heart speed up in its beats, as I looked at the food... my belly suddenly letting out a grumble.

"I made hot coco!" he said in his posh upper class voice and I glared at him, distrustful at this.

"You probably want to poison me!" I shouted, pointing my finger at him quickly and he stood up straight, grunting surprised by my accusation.

"What? Me?" He said, shocked and toddled off back to the kitchen. I could hear him humming under his breath as he got to cooking something else in the small room.

I looked back over to the food and drink. I slowly leant my face forward to the cake, picking up a slice and sniffing it.

Chocolate... man, that smelt good.

I quickly threw it back onto the plate as he came back out and fixed myself up as if I had done nothing.

"So, I thought you were going to punish me?" I asked quickly, my voice serious and my stance a determined defiant one, "But I know that your brother is-"

"Shh! Shh!" Eugene said quickly, placing his index finger to his lips as he shushed me instantly. I looked at him, puzzled and he pointed upstairs, adding. "Francis is sleeping."

"He's upstairs..?" I asked quickly and Eugene gave a heavy nod of his head. He went off again to the kitchen and I was only confused about what he was going to do with me. He obviously wasn't in his henchman mode at the moment. But I couldn't relax and enjoy some cake, I needed to find Francis Francis and get to the bottom of this case.

I slowly and carefully stood up on my feet, the fire flickering in the stove. I quickly snuck some cake into my pockets.

I took a few very cautious steps across the carpeted floor, before seeing the wooden stairs. I crept up them quickly, holding onto the railing as they spiraled up a little. I reached the upper hallway moments later, and looked at the dank dark lit room, slightly fearful.

I swallowed again, taking nervous tip toeing steps up to the back room, and twisted open the knob. When I entered the room, I saw it was dead silent... except for a musical box playing softly on a bedside draw away. I looked around and quickly saw a wooden crib. It was all so spooky. I shut the door behind me and continued on towards the crib, peeking over it and saw-

Baby Francis Francis sleeping in a gentle snooze as he slumbered in peace.

I raised an eyebrow up confused.

"Huh?" I said, a little lost. Suddenly I heard a yell outside the window and ran to open it. I saw, to my surprise and total relief, Ted hanging from his parachute, which had managed to get itself stuck in a tree right outside Francis's room.

"Ted!" I shouted, overjoyed at seeing him safe and sound.

"Tim, I've been stuck up here for ages!" he said frustrated, swinging back and forth from his chute, most annoyed. "Help me out already!"

"Okay, okay!" I said, a little annoyed that he wasn't more pleased to see me. I saw in his hands he was still holding on tightly to his suit case and I shouted to him fast. "Throw me your case!"

"What?!" Ted said, shocked at that idea. "I can't throw you that!"

"Why not?" I asked, befuddled and he looked nervous and annoyed as he clutched it tighter to his chest.

"It's very important."

"What's in it?" I asked, warily, and Ted bit his lip, nervous, quickly adding on.

"Alright, here!"

He swung himself back and forth from the tangled parachute's strings and I caught his suitcase just barely, Ted holding onto it tightly.

"Let go!" I demanded, "I'll pull you up next!"

Ted pulled a worried look. He just sighed and nodded his head weakly, his chubby tiny hand unclasping from the black briefcase.

He swung back towards the tree, and I placed the case down on the floor. I opened it up quickly to see what was inside and froze when I saw what it was.

A bottle of babycorp formula.

Why would he keep that on him?

I lowered my eyebrows to my eyes, and stood back up to the window. I said to him, angrily. "You've been carrying around magic formula this whole time?!"

"Please, Tim. I can explain." Ted said quickly, swinging back and forth from his hanging position and I glared at him.

I reached my hands forward and he swung into them, before I undid him from his chute and pulled him inside.

I dropped him to the ground, annoyed, and he landed on his bum, his head shaking in dizziness and I said, pointing down at the formula.


"When the babies came to me last night, they gave me a bottle to keep me going for this mission. I'm not taking it so I can return to my former life!"

"How do I know!?" I said, furiously and he slapped his hand to his face, saying in just as much rage.

"I already explained it to you in the rocket!"

My chest was still panting up and down, fury seeping through me and before the two of us could really go at it, we froze.

A sound of a disturbed baby was heard from the crib and the two of us rushed over to it, looking down to Francis Francis.

We watched as his eyes stirred open and he looked wearily up at us, before cracking into a wail.

"Francis Francis?!" I said, startled, "Why are you acting like a baby?!"

"Because he IS a baby now!" Ted shouted at me, and I turned, looking at my brother. He was on the ground, also staring through the crib's wooden rails at the crying baby boy and I asked confused.

"But shouldn't he be like you?"

"No!" Ted said, and Francis wailed louder. "The formula wears off, remember!"

"That means..." I said slowly, a realization dawning on me and I peeped the words. "He didn't do it."

"I guess not."

I quickly ran over to the brief case, Ted following me urgently, and his eyes nearly popped opened when he saw me pull out the formula bottle.

"TIM! What are you DOING?!"

"Getting some answers!"

Ted's mouth dropped opened as I ran back to the crib, hanging over it and holding the bottle to Francis Francis.

"But he didn't DO IT!" Ted shouted at me, furious, and I saw the baby Francis look up at the bottle. He giggled when he saw it, trying to reach for it and I looked back quickly to Ted, saying.

"Yes, but maybe he can help us figure out who did."

"Are you insane?!" my brother shouted at me and I paused for a second. I looked back down to Francis Francis, the baby still trying to snatch the bottle from my hands... and sighed.

Maybe it was just hopeful thinking...

I began to withdraw my hand, when suddenly Francis grabbed it off me and sucked the bottle eagerly.

"NO!" Ted shouted. I quickly pulled the bottle off of Francis, a quarter of it having been drank. Ted rushed back over to the crib, as the chubby baby inside it looked around with more consciousness, before seeing me and my brother looking down at him.

He smiled sinisterly.

"Hello, boys..."

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