Chapter 11

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After jumping out of the ship, we walked in a hurried run to the formula room. I looked at it amazed.

There were stacks upon stacks of bottles reaching all the way up to the high ceiling. They towered over us on both sides and Ted just quickly took one and sucked the liquid out of it and into his mouth, swallowing.

After a second, he seemed to relax as he waved at me to hand him his brief case, which I did, and he quickly placed his new formula bottle into it, like it was a baby itself.

I however wasn't paying too much attention to this, as I walked through the aisles of the giant stacks of bottles. It was a dim room, with only a little light casting away the shadows, and I suddenly without warning seemed to reach the end of it. I knew this because I bumped off a stand, it tumbling nearly over and Ted screamed.


I caught whatever he was talking about, and looked quickly before me to see I had clutched a glass case, the small marble stand nearly toppling over but Ted quickly ran to it and pressed his back to the other side, pushing it back into a stable position.

He breathed a sigh of relief, before turning his eyes up at me in rage and snapped out, "YOU NEARLY BROKE THE RELIC OF THE FIRST BABY OF BABYCORP!"

I looked at him, confused, before turning my eyes to look into the case and saw that before me was a strand of golden blonde hair, that had been held in place by a tweezer like instrument. I placed it carefully back on the stand, and looked at Ted, saying.

"So, the first baby of Babycorp was a blonde?" I asked with a smirk looking at Ted amused by this fact, "Like you," I added and teased, "Maybe a long lost ancestor?"

"Don't be silly, Tim." Ted said, picking back up his briefcase and pointing for us to leave the formula room, "Each baby is unique and unrelated to one another."

"Right..." I said and suddenly the strangest question popped into my head as I looked at Ted, while we left the giant room and entered back to the main hall that was still dusty with shards of glass on the ground, "Hey, so tell me this, Ted." I had to know "Which came first? The baby or the corporation?"

"Only the first baby knows that."

"So where is he?"

"Oh, he was never seen... not even by Huge Boss Baby that is the chief CEO and the longest living baby up here..."

When he said the CEO baby's name, he said it in spite, the two of us stepping carefully across the glass to the office room in upper management.

When we arrived up there, I could see Big Boss Baby was looking at the pie chart, and how the babies' pie size was all but nearly gone. She looked worried, as chocolate was over taking all the love but she turned around in a hurry when she heard Ted's voice call.

"Big Boss Baby!"

She looked so relieved when she saw him and ran over to Ted giving him a sudden hug as she said in delight.

"You are still alive!"

Her voice sounded happy for once, and she let go of him nervously, the two looking off to the ground, not knowing what to say to one another.

"So!" She demanded then, becoming shy, but her voice had turned back to it's general bossy harsh tone (Though I bet that she was just excited) "Did Francis do it?"

"No..." Ted admitted to her, and she only turned her eyes up to my nervous smile, then back to Ted's.

"And...?" she asked, suspicious now.

Baby Be Gone - A Boss Baby FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang