Chapter 16

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Me and Big Boss Baby followed Ted nervously through the building. As we walked the many halls, I looked out the glass windows, seeing millions of babies all sliding down the swirling slide and entrance way into the real world.

Finally we arrived at a room that looked like a closet, and Ted pushed the door opened. It was a small room... with a small white polished box on the ground, and Ted nudged his head tiredly, telling us to follow.

Me and Big Boss Baby did, and we stood on each side of him, as he unclasped the box, and smoke came out of it... as inside was a golden coloured pacifier.

"A pacifier?" I said, confused.

"Yes... one that will keep all your memories..." Ted said quietly, and looked at his old boss, her eyes shining with fear, "One that you need only suck once a day for a minute... and you will always be you... the you you remember."

"How come..." Big Boss Baby asked, looking at it as he picked it up, and it reflected in her big eyes, "How come there's only one?"

Ted sighed, and took her hand with his free one. He placed the pacifier in it slowly, folding her fingers around it and answered in quiet pain.

"Because... I want to forget."

"I... I don't understand..."

"When you've lived by yourself for a hundred years... never changing... alone..." Ted told her, and looked quietly up at me, my own eyes widening as he spoke these words so solemnly, "It changes you... and sometimes... sometimes, you are not always the baby you thought you were."

He walked away from us after he said this, going to the door and just standing there in silence. We both looked at each other worried, before following and we reached the gateway to the slide in the distance.

"So, is this it?" she asked, tears in her eyes, so upset as she looked in fear at the future just beyond her eyes, "This is the world you want to forget?"


"But how will I know you'll find me?" she asked, and I looked off awkwardly at all this romantic talk, Ted however, took it quite seriously, "How will I know... that you'll love me again?"

Ted just gave a weak smirk, looking at her with charming eyes, and said to her quietly, a knowing in him that was so much more than any baby had ever had... a Ted that not even I understood anymore.

"Because..." his words were peaceful, quiet and calm. Loving... yet knowing he had to let go, let go and be free.

And the sad thing that I understood just then... is that he wanted to be free from himself... and be like...


My mouth opened slowly as I realized this and looked at him with worry.

"You always know the one."

Big Boss Baby wiped her face, as tears had started to come down her cheeks from crying and he held her chin up with his hand, smiling at her slowly and she nodded.


She opened the gate and joined the babies in the queue for a new life... the golden pacifier in her hands.

Before Ted began to head for the slide as well, I stopped him by placing my hand on his shoulder and asked afraid.


He stilled himself, listening to my words as he watched Big Boss Baby disappear amongst the many babies.

"Ted... I don't want to lose you either..."

Baby Be Gone - A Boss Baby FanficWhere stories live. Discover now