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Hussain's POV

I called Aliya from the flight and had small talk. It's the most difficult thing to do. I never knew it will be this difficult to say a good bye to my pretty wife.

My situation got even worse when I heard Aliya's sweet voice which almost made me to cancel my trip. Also that some voice kept me motivated to strike to my business deal. That's call true love. ❤

The flight was so dull as I am in the hospital ward. Oh is it because I was not in mood. I was almost like a log slept the whole time. And when the plane was landing there is no any excitement. How can I be excited when my better half is separated from me by an Indian ocean?.

It took me long 3 hours to reach to the hotel and I am walking like zombi. Yet I connect to hotel Wi-Fi and called my beautiful Wife.

"Asalamu Alaikum Habibthi " I said as soon as she answerd the video call.

"Walaikum Salam Habibi" she said with same excitement. 

"Your looking so tired, Did you had dinner?" I asked with concern. 

"No, I can't eat ! " she said with hesitation. 

" Were you waiting for my call without having dinner ? " I asked little surprise.

She didn't say anything but her face says it all.

"I have told you never wait for me without having food. You are carrying another life. How can you be careless? " I almost shouted the last line.

" I didn't mean it but I was... " she was saying but I cut her off..

"How many time I have told you!... " I again semi shouted at her.

Then the line went off...

I tried calling she didn't answer.  I tried again and again no point.  I messaged her on WhatsApp asking to answer the call. But it was only one tick.

"Agggrrr" I almost shouted. 

I knew it was my fault that I shouted at her. But she is giving punishment to our baby because of me and that's not something I would agree with. Now I made her angry too.

"What to do ? " I thought to myself and lie down on the bed. And sleep over took me.

I heard Door bell and it's the most annoying thing. I reluctantly pulled myself out of the bed and open the door. And met with angry bird.

" You came to Dubai to lock yourself and sleep or to attend meeting? " asked angry bird.

"What's the matter ?" I asked as matter of fact.

" Mr day dreamer ! You know what's the date today ? " angry bird asked again.

His name is Saad. He is our marketing manager.  He is handling the business in Dubai. He is mostly carrying anger on his tip of nose so I call him angry bird. But he is packed with good qualities as well. Which makes me feel proud to be working with him.

"Earth to Mr Hussain " I heard him saying and I knew how much he is annoyed by the way he mentioned my name.

"Today 1st of August ! For your information " Saad said with annoyed look. 

"What ! " I asked almost shouting. 

" hmm Yes, and you have only 1 hour to be in meeting " Saad said.

" Did I slept more than twelve hours ? " I asked myself but turned out to be I said it louder.

"You can learn maths later. Now hurry up we are getting late " Saad said.

I rushed back to room and within fifteen minutes I am fully dressed after having shower. And closing my hotel room with my tie and coat on the other hand.

I walked to lobby and waited till the taxi arrives. While waiting I glanced at my phone to see if I have receive any messeges or misscalls from my lovely wife but it's blank. I was disappointed yet I knew it was my fault but what to do now... while thinking I saw the taxi and I got into it with Saad beside me.

"Honey I am Sorry ! " I send a message.

I couldn't send any voice note or videos because of the angry bird sitting beside me. I don't want him to know my personal life problems. He is already planning to be with me 24/7 for this week. As he thinks I am careless to handle this business meeting just because I over slept. Come on I am not in school to get this kind of punishments.

I took my tie and wrap around my neck and I struggle with tie to get a perfect knot. Then I got view of my beautiful Wife laughing at me by enjoying my status. 

"All because of you" I said annoyed. 

"Excuse me " I heard someone saying and when I turned to my left,  Saad is looking at me as if I did something wrong.

" How crazy to just talk to my own imagination." I thought to myself. 

"Ahh"I was saying..

"Oh now don't tell me,  You forget how to tie a tie because Aliya Bhabi only do it for you ! " Saad said mockingly. 

" Just shut up" I snapped at him.

And somehow I did a perfect knot and at the same time the taxi stoped at the tall skyscraper. 

"Wow !" I said while admiring the beautiful of man made structure. 

"There is enough of time after the meeting to enjoy the all these, now will you hurry up before we get in to trouble. " Saad said and almost dragged me into the massive building which is unbelievably beautiful. 

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