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Aliya's POV.

2 week later

"Sain, I want to show you something so come on video call" I said.

" Oh really! " Hussain said.

"Yup and be hurry, I can't wait any more " I said.

"Okay dear " Hussain said and cut the call.

It didn't take one minute even my phone started to ring. 

"Asalamu Alaikum " I said answering the call. 

"Walaikum Salam Warahmathulahi wabaralathuhu " Hussain said.

"So are you ready to see the surprise? " I asked with little excited.

"I am ever ready " Hussain said.

"Hmmm " I said and walked to the dressing table and showed the mirror filled with ' post it' in heart shape.

" wow ! That's great.  but sweetie,  I can't read !" Hussain said blankly. 

" That's because you have to come here and read ! " I said. 

"What! Why can't I read now? " Hussain asked. 

" My dear hubby these are the notes I wrote when ever I need to say something but you were not here" I said.

" But you were chatting with me and we did connected with each other " Hussain said.

"Yes! Still I missed you when ever I am coming to this room" I said little sadly.

" I missed you too " Hussain said.

" Did you read today's letter ? " Hussain asked.

"Not yet ! I wanted to call you and show this before you leave to the meeting.  " I said. 

"When are you coming ? " I asked .

" Insha Allah when the work is over " Hussain said.

" That means the day after tomorrow is not confirm? " I asked with little annoyed.

" My dear it's not like that ! " Hussain said.

" Then ? " I asked. And came back to bed and sat comfortably.

" It can be anytime my dear " Hussain said.

" Ok ! But come soon ! " I said.

" Do you think I am happily enjoying with angry bird 24/7 behind me as bodyguard ? " Hussain asked with little annoyed. 

"What ? " I asked and start to laugh. 

" Seriously! I wish I would have come with you so atleast I could live freely " Hussain said.

"Good punishment for leaving me behind and going alone " I said sweetly. 

" I didn't want to make it difficult for both of you if not you will be here with me and you will not be laughing at me ! " Hussain said blankly.

"Okay dear I will not laugh at you " I said.

"That's like my girl " Hussain said and winked through the phones.

" I am !" I said and blushed. 

"Aww are you blushing?" Hussain asked with teasing tone.

I nodded and covered my face with one hand while holding the phone from the other hand.

"OKAY ! I get it " Hussain said sweetly.

I looked at the camera and saw him laughing by looking at me.

" Keep smiling it's best for both of you " Hussain said.

I just smiled looking at him and felt so proud of him. Such a great companion  I am blessed with.  Always making me blush and smile.

" Ya Allah bless him and with happiness and lots of love always " I said within myself .

" I can't help but I have to go now, it's almost 2pm. At 3pm I have to be there." Hussain said and we exchange greetings and end the call.

It was another day with another phone call. I can't wait to meet him and show him the greatest suprise. The notes are nothing when compared to the big suprise.

I thought to myself and then open today's letter which was sweet and simple. Filled with his love for me and our baby. I can't wait to see him being around our baby. Yes. Insha Allah ..
I didn't know what's the time until I heard Asar Azan and I took ' Wudu ' and prayed Asar.  And asked due for him.

"Ya Allah forgive my husband's sins and make him a better Muslim.  He is doing his best to be your great servant.  So make it easy for him to reach among your rightful servants. Give him strength to fight for what's right and avoid the bad. Bless him with prosperous and Halal business. To spend in your way of feeding the poors and helping the needy people. May him have safe journey back to home.  Very soon.
Aameen , Aameen Ya Rab !

As I completed my Dua I felt something is lifted from my heavy heart.  I felt lite as feather. That's the power of Dua , Subhan Allah.

I went downstairs and helped Mom with tea. And we both did chatting about the suprise for the day after tomorrow.  The evening was spent on while chatting. And when the Azan is called prayed Magrib and after Isha  prayer we had dinner. So after dinner me and Maha went back to upstairs and we were planing to make something. Just then Mom said let's check the planing of suprise for Hussain. So we can have back up plans. By looking at Mom,  can say how much she is excited !.

"Maha, you have to make sure that your not at home on that day without spoiling the surprise !"MOM said to Maha when I explained the planing.

"Mom! I am not 5 year old kid to spoil the surprise  " Maha said little  annoying.

" yes mom "I said sweetly.

"Okay if Aliya dear is saying so then fine ! " Mom said.

" so now can I go to sleep? Maha said.

"becouse I have to wake up early tomorrow " Maha said more to herself. 

" yes me too, Don't worry I will wake you up " I said.

Then said good night to Mom and Maha. And went to the room. When I was about to go to bed. I heard Door is knocking. 

Knock! knock!

I opened the door and there Maha is stranding in her night gown.

" yes ! Do you need anything ? " I asked puzzle becouse at this time.

" Hmm Bhabi " Maha said.

" Yeah what's it ? " I asked.

" Actually I felt that why not today I will sleep with you ! " Maha said.

" Why suddenly? " I asked blankly.

" I am always sleeping alone so boring and you also sleeping without Bhai so I thought why not give you accompany but it's okay " Maha said and was about to leave the room.

" You can come to accompany  with me anytime, you don't have to ask. You are my little sister so come in" I said and took her in to the room.

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