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After 3 months. 

"Aliya ! " Hussain said and looked at her.

And at that moment she knew he is trying to wake up their beautiful little princess Hana. Who is sleeping after a great effort. She nod her head as No and moved to leave some space to arrange the room. After the arrival of the little princess Their room is filled with soft toys and baby cloths. In fact the room smells like baby powder and cream.

Three weeks ago Aliya got pain and Hussain took her to the hospital. And that day they both got a beautiful gift from Allah. And that moment when he heard the cry of a baby filled his heart with deep love for his wife and  he never knew that he could love her more. the little fragial body was given in his hand and his heart melted with love for his Daughter. He couldn't control the emotions his tears are about to fall. Thanking Allah for the biggest miracle of life.

"Habibi, I need to take shower so look after the baby " Aliya said bringing him back to the reality. 

He couldn't talk so he just nod his head and smiled at her. And in return he got breathtaking smile from his beautiful wife.

Then he turned and touched the baby's cheeks with back of his finger. And he felt as touching a cotton wool.  So soft and smooth.  He reluctantly took the finger and moved to the table to do office work. He is trying his best to do office works from home. So he can spend time with his wife and little princess.

"Family is a priceless gift we have. We should not sell their love for the love of money and fame.  This moment can never come back so spend it with your family and friends and make happy memories.  Because they are not going to last forever.  But memories will." He remembered the advice his DAD gave him when Hana was born.

When Aliya entered the room she was greeted with silence.  Even the lights and fans are off and nobody was in the room. She quickly went in search of Hana. And when she was passing by Maha's room she heard the giggling of her daughter. 

Smile touched to her lips and her heart felt peace knowing she is happy and the sound felt like a melody which she can keep listening to.  She slowly opend the door fully and enter into the room and saw Hussain is making funny faces and Hana is resting in her Pupi's lap and laughing by looking at her Papa's face as most funniest thing ever. She too join with them and enjoyed the happy moments her loved ones are sharing.

"Bhai, can I put her in my room and put her to sleep in my bed ?" Maha asked.

"Okay, but don't disturb her sleep. " Hussain said.

"Oh!  look who is saying " Maha said jokingly. 

"What ! " Hussain asked.

"Bhabhi has already told me that you can't keep your hands off Hana when she is sleeping and at the end you wake her up" Maha said.

"You said that?" Hussain asked Aliya and she just nod

Then Aliya took the baby from Maha to put her to sleep.

" Bhai it's true na and don't worry I will not disturb her sleep because I will also sleep next to her " Maha said smiling.

"Oh don't! you will squeeze her little body with your tusk like hand" Hussain said and looked at Aliya.

"What ? You call me fat ?" Maha asked. 

"Enough! Baby needs to sleep so stop behaving like a kids. "Aliya said looking at both of them. 

"Sain ! She is not baby " Aliya said looking at Maha and gave her a sweet smile. 

" Okay then ! " Hussain said finally and left the room with smile.

Hana is lucky with so much love around her who will always be there to protect her and support her when she grows up. Every girl is not blessed with great love and care.  After all her parents are blessed with everyone's love so she too. 💖

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