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Maria talked to Xander a lot. She wished she could see Ethan, but unlike her he hadn't had the witch gene. Xander assured her he lived a good life, and that since he wasn't supernatural he was at peace. Maria cried a lot because of that. She made Xander tell her what the other side was like. Was it lonely? Was it boring? Xander admitted that some witches, like her parents passed on to Peace as well. Some people, if they were pure enough, pass on after a short time. He assured her that her parents barely spent 3 years on the other side. Which was probably the reason it wasn't completely crowded with a few millennia worth of witches and warlocks. Since the vampires and the werewolves were alone on the other side, they weren't in danger of being too crowded. They literally had the world to themselves. Soon Xander started to fade.
"What's going on?" Maria asked, panicked.
"I think the spell is being lifted."
"But we're not done!" She cried. Tears made a path down her face. "We still have so much  to talk about. You can't already have to go!"
"It's okay. If you ever need me, I'll be on the other side. You can talk to me, and I won't be able to reply, but I will listen. You won't be alone. You have Michael, and Tiana. It'll be okay."
"But there's still so much left over. I still need to tease you and your new girlfriend. I need to be able to talk to you as friends, like right now. I don't remember the last time we were friends and could talk and tease each other. I loved dating you, and I loved you but now we're changed, and we need more time to be friends."
"You were my first love, and I don't mind us being friends. I love it. It's a whole new relationship between us where we can be ourselves. We can talk freely about certain things, but I'm dead. We won't have that chance. That doesn't mean you should stop being happy or feel guilty. Life- or well death- isn't so bad here. So don't worry about me. Live, be happy. Don't miss out on opportunities. I have to let go now. I love you, differently but still love."
"I love-" He completely faded. "-you" Maria finished. "I hope you can hear me, but I love you too. I will cherish our newly-found friendship not matter how short. Naima, you're a lucky girl. I hope you two can be happy together."

There was a knock on the door, and there stood Klaus in all his glory.
"What do you want Nik? I thought you were gone."
"Won't you invite me in?"
"No, I won't."
"Why so hostile? I thought we parted on good terms."
"You mean, you telling me you never loved me and that it was all because you once saw a picture of Elena that I had and you were using me to get to the newest doppelganger before compelling me to forget it all is your idea of a good term?" Maria scoffed. "Well at least you finally got the doppelganger."
"No thanks to you. I remember you telling me she was probably just a stranger on the sidewalk. A tourist, maybe."
"Yeah, well, I didn't want Elena to be mixed up with a vampire."
"I had almost started to believe she wasn't real. I couldn't find her so I searched England. I thought you lived there, so I thought if you met her anywhere it would be in the UK. And believe me, I left you to go search for her but I couldn't find her. Then I received word she was in America. If only you had told me she was from Mystic Falls, Jenna might've been spared."
"Son of a bitch." Maria swore. "I loved Jenna like my own aunt, dick. Well more like a sister. And you killed her. I hope you know I hate you."
"Well, you know what they say about love and hate."
"That there's a fine line between them? Yes, I've crossed that line once before, I'm not going back."
"You still feel something for me."
"No I don't. I used to, but you've really done it this time, Nick. This time, we're not getting back together."
"That's what you said the last."
"You didn't kill people I loved the last time."
"Tell me who you love and I won't kill them. I didn't know Jenna meant something to you."
"Whether or not she meant something to me, I can't love someone who'll kill people left and right. It's over Klaus. It's been 4 months, leave me alone. I was starting to heal. Just let me go." A tear ran down her face.
"I can't, love. See- you were the first human to capture my interest, in a very long time. Your beauty is like that of a rose's. So pure, so innocent. Your heart is clear, and the most important thing, for it holds so many things dear. The way you looked at my drawings, complimenting each and every one. The way you danced as you cooked breakfast, happy it was a new day. The day I met you wasn't the happiest day of my life. But the day I fell for you was." Another lone tear fell down her cheek and she wiped it away furiously.
"You know what, 5 years ago the man I loved the most died. He was savagely taken away from me by a vampire, but regardless I found space for you in my heart. A year and a few months ago I met you. I was having a crappy day and you made it better. I fell for you, Nik, you wormed your way into my heart. For a year we were happy. You made me happy, you made me smile. I came from a crappy town where almost everyone I ever loved died but you showed me that it only served to shape me into who I am today. You pieced my heart back together then you shattered it. I may have forgotten you but I still had that empty feeling in m heart. The feeling that I had lost one more person. I figured I had blocked it out but I thought there was a reason why. That maybe I did lose someone and I didn't want to remember. That's why I didn't go to a doctor for help. I didn't want to be fixed or remember what happened to scar me. But the feeling never went away. So I came back. If I couldn't escape losing people, I might as well spend time with those I care about. I came back to my family Nick, only to find out you murdered my aunt, and tried to murder my sister. Then you just kidnapped her after turning the guy she loved into a heartless minion." He stared at Maria confused, as he started to put things together. "Jenna was my aunt. Elena is my sister. Jeremy is my brother."
"You mentioned you were adopted."
"Exactly. I don't have time for you anymore Klaus." She spat out his name. He looked hurt that she would not call him Nick anymore. "I don't have space for you in my heart, anymore. Leave me alone Klaus."
"It's Nick to you, love."
"It's Nick to people who care about you. I no longer do. Breaking my family apart had something to do with that." Klaus stared at her as she walked closer to the door. Not that he could touch her, she was inside. "Goodbye." She whispered and slammed the door in his face.

Maria Lorde-Gilbert. The other adopted kid Where stories live. Discover now