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Maria stayed in her room for the rest of the night. Her feelings had been played with, toyed with and jumbled together. She meant what she said to Klaus. She didn't love him, couldn't love him anymore. He'd broken her heart 4 or so months ago which was around the time he murdered her aunt. She could never forgive him for that whether or not he knew her relation to Jenna. It didn't change the fact, nor did it bring Jenna back. Jenna was still dead and Klaus had still murdered her. But the kind of love she felt for Klaus, once upon time? Well, that sort of love just didn't go away. It could fade but a bit of it would still be there. She knew there would always be some small part of her that felt something for Klaus. But it was that small part that she would continuously oppress.

A knock at the door, the next morning, forced her out of any depressive thoughts. There stood the 3 people who could make it all a little bit better. Her beloved little brother, Jeremy. Her best friend, Tiana 'T' Bennett. And T's older brother Michael Bennett.
"Hey these two came knocking on the door for you so I offered to show them to this place." Jeremy told her.
"Of course." Maria replied a smile lighting up her face. "What are you three waiting for?"
"Hey Mare." T said, enveloping her in a tight hug.
"Hey, kiddo." Michael teased. He may have only been two years older than her but he teased her age relentlessly. It didn't help that he was taller than her.
"I only came to bring them here. I thought you might want some friends time or something." He said, turning away to leave.
"Don't be silly Jer. You're not going to leave me alone with these two monsters." She smiled at her little brother. "Besides, Michael's here. He's so not my friend."
"Yeah," Michael piped in. "She wishes she was awesome enough to be considered my friend."
"I'm telling you, something is going to happen between them." T leaned in to Jeremy, and whispered in his ear. "These last couple of months they were totally flirting."
"Alright." Jeremy said with a smile. "I'll stay. Maybe I can get some more embarrassing stories to store in my blackmailing arsenal."
"You wish." His sister said.
"Yes, Maria. I do wish, reliving your embarrassing failures is always hilarious. If you tell me an embarrassing story of Maria, the most embarrassing one that you have, I might tell you guys the solstice story." Jeremy bargained, a smile on his face.
"What's the solstice story?"
"No. I swear Jeremy, if you do that, I will kill you."
"It's only if the stories are embarrassing enough, though." Jeremy said. Maria groaned and walked into the kitchen.
"You guys want anything."
"Yep!" Called Michael. "Do you have chocolate?"
"Got Galaxy. Cookie crumble."
"Can we order pizza?" Jeremy called from the living room. Everyone mumbled their agreements and Maria called up the place. Once she placed their orders she moved to the living room, with a bowl of unhealthy snacks in hand.
"T, Mick-" Maria started gravely. "Something I need to tell you."
"Uh oh. You only call me Mick when it's bad."
"It is. So, um, remember Nickolas?"
"Yes?" T sounded unsure.
"His name is actually Niklaus. He's not just a normal vampire, he's one of the first. And he's killed my aunt Jenna."
"Wait, so Elena wasn't kidding when she said you had a history with Klaus?" Jeremy asked.
"Afraid not, Jer."
"He killed your aunt?"
"Yep. I mean, he didn't know she was my aunt, but still."
"Why is he even here?" Michael asked.
"Because my sister, Elena was a key part of this sacrifice thing in order for him to break some cure- Oh yeah, he killed her too. If it wasn't my uncle John who passed on his life essence or whatever on to her, sacrificing himself, she'd be dead too."
"So basically the guy, who I could've sworn loved you more than anything, killed your aunt and sister. Only your sister is back to life." T spoke up. It didn't make sense to her that the same Nick who, though he acted tough most of the time, loved Maria would kill off the rest of the people remaining in her family.
"Yeah, but because of that my uncle is dead."
"Oh you poor thing!" T ambushed her best friend with a hug. Michael sat awkwardly. It was one thing for the guy to break her heart, another to murder her family.
"Well, he didn't know I was related to them, but still. Then he had the nerve to show up last night acting like it was okay."
"You put him back in his place?" Michael asked.
"Of course."
"Wait, I thought Klaus was gone. He was supposed to have left town once we threatened him with Mikael." Jeremy said.
"Well, he's gone now. He came back for a short moment. Whatever happened between us in the past is over. He knows that." There was a knock at the door. They all looked at each other. "That'll be the pizza delivery guy. I'll get it." Maria walked to the door, only to see a dozen red roses and a dozen white roses on the doorstep. She looked around and saw a guy getting in his van and driving away.
"You were saying?" T's voice rand from behind her.
"Give me a sec." Maria said picking up the flowers and walking to the door next to hers. She held the red roses in her hands whilst T picked up the white roses and stayed out of view.
"Hi can I help you?" Someone asked. It was a middle-aged woman who had opened the door.
"Hi, I'm Maria, and I live next door. I moved in yesterday, and wanted to give you these." She said.
"Why thank you. This is very kind of you, dear. I'm Leah. Would you like to come in?"
"Maybe next time. I've got a few friends over right now, and I just wanted to quickly introduce myself."
"Of course. I'll see you later." The lady closed her door, and Maria walked back around.
"Seriously?" Michael asked.
"There is not way I'm keeping them, and of course, I can't just throw away beautiful gifts of nature." She said, with a smirk. "Can I have the white roses?"
Maria went to the next house on the other side of her, and knocked, again. This time, a girl in her early twenties came to the door. "Hi, I'm Maria. I've just moved in next door, and I wanted to give you these."
"Ex boyfriend?" The girl asked sympathetically. "Sorry, I saw the guy from the van leave them at your doorstep."
"It's fine, and yeah. A psychotic ex, and I thought they'd be a better gift, rather than sitting at the bottom of a trash can."
"Thank you." The girl said. "I'm Lydia."

Maria Lorde-Gilbert. The other adopted kid Where stories live. Discover now