Tie for Agent Smith

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The next day Xia went in search of Agent Smith knowing that they were just pieces of the programming.... in the words of Morpheus they are "sentient programs.... they are everyone and they are no one..... the gatekeepers.... guarding all the doors.... hold all the keys" .... she knew they can move anywhere that is hardwired into their system and was unsure if they had an office to her surprise they did when she walked into the office and over to the reception area she asked for Agent Smith right away she wanted to get this over with as soon as possible being used by her parents was one thing being used by the Agents.... she shuddered at the thought when the receptionist gave her a hard time she scoffs then walks away to find him on her own ignoring the woman yelling at her to stop....

It didn't take Xia to long to find Agent Smith's office he or perhaps someone else left his door open and he was sitting in his office chair behind his desk looking out his large window she knocked softly on his open door with the tips of her knuckles and he spins around his eyes widen in surprise at the sight of her she smiles at him as he stands up and walks around to her she holds out the white box with the tie inside wrapped in with a blue bow he tilts his head in confusion at her "I am a woman of my word Agent Smith.... and I owe you a tie.... whether you take it our not.... it is still yours!"  he smiles as he takes the box from her his hand once again brushing against hers she pulls her tingling hand back quickly and says "well have good day Agent"  then turns to leave "Xia?!"  his deep monotoned voice says her heart flutters rapidly at the sound of her name coming from his lips as she slowly turns back around "thank you"  he says she bows then turns to leave again....

 Agent Smith watches her from his doorway looking from Xia to the box in his hand he places the box on his desk then quickly follows her so that he doesn't lose sight of her.... Xia was already outside by the time he caught up she hears his quick movements as he catches up to her and she spins around then says as her eyes lock with his shades "I have done nothing wrong Agent Smith so I am unsure why you are following me!"  he smiles as he tries to figure out what to say unfortunately.... it was the wrong thing to say "I was wondering.... if I could pay for your services...."  she freezes then says dryly "if you wish you may call upon my mother and make an appointment.... otherwise.... have a nice day.... AGENT!!"  she spins back around and walks away he grips her arm gently and she turns around surprised at the softness of his touch.... she expected it to be rougher she looks down at the hand on her arm then up into his sunglass covered eyes "I apologize.... that is not what I meant to say Miss Zahirah"  he says as he lets her arm go she could see the confusion in his face "you should consider yourself lucky Agent Smith I have broken mens hands for even less offences than the one you just committed!"  she replies and he looks it her in surprise "no one touches me without my permission!.... yes I know what my "job" is!.... but even I have RULES for my "clients" to follow!"  she pauses then says with a slight bite in her tone "what is it you "meant" to say Agent Smith!?!"  his expression calms as he speaks "perhaps dinner!?!....as payment.... for the tie"  she raises an eyebrow at him then asks "you mean the one you didn't even look at much less try on!"  a corner smile spreads cross her lips "no thank you.... good day Agent Smith!"  she says then she once again walks away he stands in the middle of the sidewalk with a surprised look on his face as he watches her leave....

Xia had to get away from him she didn't know how much more of the rapid beating her heart could take she could feel Agent Smith's eyes on her which didn't help what is wrong with her?!.... why an AGENT!?!.... of all the people!.... all the programs!.... to make her feel this way it HAD to be an Agent!!.... in truth she knew what was wrong for the first time in her life she was falling in love with a perfect stranger.... and an Agent.... if her parents knew it would be just one more thing they would "use to their advantage" and she didn't want that to happen to him! was this feeling apart of the program!?! was it real!?! she may never know

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