At The Office

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"Hey"  Xia says as she walks up to Neo's cubicle he looks up to see her smiling face and he returns the smile then asks "hey.... what are you doing here!?!"  she shrugs playfully and teases "I've missed you Mr Anderson!"  he laughs then says "I bet!"  she playfully acts offended and his laughter grows they both open their mouth to speak and a delivery man walks over and hands him a package envelope from Fed X he takes it with a confused look on his face then quickly opens it up a cell phone slides into his hand both he and Xia look at it confused then it rings and he answers it Xia on the other hand looks around and sees another familiar handsome man in a suit walking towards them "Smith!?!"  she whispers softly with a confused tone hearing his name being whispered by a familiar tantalizing voice that makes his heart beat rapidly Agent Smith looks over in her direction and whispers "Xia!?!"  he looks at her confused as she slowly walks over to him they both ask the same question at the same time "what are you doing here!?!"  she answers calmly "I'm visiting a friend.... wait.... your after....!"  she turns around and sees Neo poorly trying to sneak past the other Agents then she turns back to Agent Smith and says somewhat harshly "I will have no part in this!"  then she quickly brushes past him their shoulders gently brush up against one another and Agent Smith feels a tingle of electricity run through his body as hers touches his he turns and watches her leave whispering to himself "what is it about you that....!?!"  he shakes his head to clear it then returns to his duty trying to keep her out of his mind when she has already found a place in his seemingly small heart....

On her way out Xia almost gets hit by a falling cell phone she looks up then whispers worriedly in a inaudible voice "Neo!!"  then rushes back inside she runs to the office where the phone fell from.... Agent Smith looks over at Xia's running figure and watches as she rushes into the office where she sees Neo hanging on for dear life on the otherside of the window knowing that the Agents weren't too far behind her she whispers in a low sad tone "I'm sorry Neo!"  as she walks over to the window and steps up and joins him "enjoying the view!?!"  she teases he looks over at her with wide frightened eyes and she reaches her hand over him to grab and speaks calmly to him about random things "do you remember Mrs Hotly!?!"  their 5 grade teacher who seemed to always be experiencing hot flashes.... she always had the air conditioner on no matter what the weather... the kids would have to bundle up in their winter clothes just to stay warm Neo laughs as he takes her hand and slowly walks back over to her she continues to talk keeping her calm tones which helped him calm down.... once back in the room she hugs him tightly and whispers into his ear "don't scare me like that Mr Anderson!"  he chuckles softly then replies with a smile "sorry!"  a teasing corner smile spreads across her face and she says "no your not!"  he laughs then notices the Agents that are standing in the doorway Agent Smith's arms are crossed and his eyes lowered angrily at him Neo looks at Xia and then at the Agents she hands Neo the broken cell phone "you know you should be a bit more careful with your things!"  she teases Neo smiles at her she places a gentle hand on his shoulder and looks at him sadly then says "it's best if you just go with them Neo.... it'll only get worse if you don't"  his eyes widen at her but seeing her sad face he only nods and walks over to the Agents.....

Agent Smith stays behind as the others take Neo to the elevator "that's your friend!?!"  he asks Xia she nods and says "since preschool.... he's also the only friend I've ever had!"  she walks up to him and looks him in the shades and threatens "if you hurt him you will NEVER see me again!"  this time when she passes by him her shoulder hits him harder in the shoulder his body moves backwards with the force of her push the warning she gave him hurt more than he could comprehend as he watched her storm off once again then he headed to where his fellow Agents waited for him he didn't realize that she was one like Neo that she wasn't a "true" part of the Matrix how was someone like her even possible!?! how is it that everytime he saw her the emotions he felt became deeper, stronger, harder to fight!?! or maybe he didn't want to fight them! maybe he wanted to experience them at their full capacity and force! and he swore to himself that someday he will no matter what the consequences were

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