The Death of Agent Smith

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Xia ran back down the stairs as fast as she could and ran all the way to the subway station.... as she came running down the stairs she had to dodge a few bullets flying in slow motion as the two men jump towards one another floating in midair as they try to reach one another she hears Agent Smith say as they fall to the ground their guns pointed at one anothers head "your empty"  Neo replies "so are you"  they jump away from one another even though he was now facing in her direction Neo didn't notice her his eyes were directed at Agent Smith as the two men toss their guns away Xia is unsure what to do she hates seeing the man she loves and her best friend aim to kill each other she watches as Agent Smith pulls on his suit jacket and crack his neck and Neo attacks him she backs up a few steps as the two men knock each other around and Xia hears Agent Smith say "I'm going to enjoy watching you die.... Mr. Anderson"  for the first time in a while his thoughts were mainly directed on the man in front of him not Xia so he didn't even think about how she would feel about what he had planned what he was doing at this very moment his connection to her was weakening so he didn't sense her emotions he didn't know that she is there watching he tossed his broken shades onto the ground as he spoke then the fight once again commenced....

Neo finally noticed her as his body slid over to the stairs where she stood frozen in shock, fear and worry and she rushed over and helped him up "Xia!?!... what!?!"  Neo says breathless and in shock as he stands up looking into her sad eyes "you shouldn't be here... it isn't safe!"  he softly touches her cheek she gives him a sad smile and whispers "I know!.... I won't get in the middle of this.... but I'm not leaving!"  knowing her as well as he does he looks at her sadly but nods as he rushes back over to fight Agent Smith again to keep him away from her and keep her safe he keeps Agents Smith's attention all on him by egging him on making him focus and come directly to him.... Xia hears a train approach and sees Agent Smith has noticed it to as he drags Neo by the ankle over to it.... he still hasn't noticed her.... which is probably a good thing.... Neo gets lifted up and thrown into the pathway of the train and Agent Smith jumps in after him as he falls onto the track "hear that Mr. Anderson?"  he asks as he wraps his arm around Neo's neck "that is the sound of inevitability it is the sound of your death goodbye Mr. Anderson"  Xia on the other hand knows how persistent Neo can be knows that he never gives up she whispers "get up Neo!.... please!.... get up!.... I'm not ready to see either of you die"  she hears Neo whisper "my name... is Neo"  he jumps up the two men hit the ceiling then fall down once more Neo jump/flips out of the way but Agent Smith gets hit by the train Xia gasps her heart feels as though it's about to break but she rushes over and helps Neo regain his balance so that he doesn't fall in himself he looks over at her she smiles and teases "what!?!.... it isn't like I promised!"  he chuckles and hugs her she nods her head to the side pointing at the stairway he nods and the two of them start to leave the subway....

They hear the train screech to a stop Xia can practically feel the sparks come from the wheels "Smith!!"  she whispers Neo looks at her in surprise then runs up the stairs as Agent Smith walks out of the train.... the first thing Agent Smith sees is Xia.... her body pressed up against the wall her eyes wide with fear and worry.... he rushes over to her slides his hand from under her chin up and around her neck and kisses her deeply her tense body calms at the feel of his soft hungry lips upon hers when he lets go he runs up the stairs and goes after Neo.... Xia pushes herself away from the wall and follows him yet she kept a short distance from the two men.... close enough to follow but far enough to not get in the way.... she found Brown and Jones shooting up at Neo as he climbed the fire escape in an alley a block or so down from the subway "well that's just a waste of bullets boys!.... who taught you two how to shoot!?!.... right!.... program.... never mind!"  she climbs up the fire escape by the time she reached where Neo was she heard a single gunshot "Neo!!"  she whispers softly in a surprised, sad and worried tone as she runs faster toward the sound hearing another one go off "no!!"  she whispers as more and more go off in the distance..... Neo could hear Xia whisper "don't you dare die on me Mr. Anderson!.... your not suppose to die!.... not yet!.... get up..... now!!"  he also heard Trinity's voice tell him that she loves him and felt her lips fall upon hers..... Trinity's not Xia's.... he stands up and Agent Smith turns around to face him just as he does "do what you have to Neo"  he hears Xia say with a soft sadness in his mind....

Xia hears three sets of gunshots and continues toward them and though she is running she seems to be running in circles the same empty hallway over and over again "stop protecting me and concentrate Neo!"  she whispers and that's when it all changed she was finally able to run to where she was headed in the first place towards the two men she cares for the most in ANY world by the time she reaches them Neo had flown into Agent Smith who begins to change he looks down and sees little bumps crawl all over his body like a bunch of scarab beetles were inside him a bright white light of a line splits down his head and covers his body till it rips him apart and he explodes.... "Smith!!"  Xia whispers in surprise Neo looks at her and whispers in a soft sad voice "I'm sorry Xi!"  she smiles at him and says softly "it's ok.... I told you to do what you needed to.... and you needed to do this!"  she walks up to him and places a gentle hand on his shoulder then says "if you hadn't.... he would have continued to do what he was programmed to do!.... so I suppose that in a way he is finally free.... thank you Neo!"  she hugs him his eyes widen in surprise as he hugs her back his head rests upon her shoulder "now.... go home!.... your family needs you!"  he leans back and looks at her then nods kissing her cheek and at that moment he hears Trinity yell his name and he runs past Xia and toward the phone Xia turns her body and looks at him then teases with a smile "ah.... young love!"  Neo chuckles as he picks up the phone and goes through it back home

Living With Agent Smithजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें