I Can't Live Without You

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"The great and powerful Oracle we meet at last"  Xia hears Smith say "I suppose you were expecting me right? the all knowing Oracle is never surprised how can she be? she knows everything but if that's true then why is she here if she knew I was coming? why wouldn't she leave?"  Xia hears something slam against the wall and she jumped she was not use to this Smith "maybe you knew I was going to do that maybe you didn't if you did that means you baked those cookies and set that plate right there deliberately purposefully which means that you're sitting there also deliberately purposefully"  the Oracle whispers something that Xia didn't hear and one of the Smith's seemed to repeat her "cookies need love like everything else"  which made his thoughts flash to Xia the Oracle raises an eyebrow at him as she says "you are a bastard"  he replies "you would know mom"  which surprised Xia "do what your here to do"  the Oracle says "yes ma'am"  Smith answers he seemed quite gentle as he walked up to the Oracle and stuck his fingers into her wrist changing her.... Xia had never seen it completed before and it shocked her that he would do such a thing it also seemed to have a different effect than the others for a great wind blew blowing everything in the kitchen around Xia was standing in the doorway with the Smith clones as he chatted with the Oracle though no one knew till she ran off after the Oracle had completely changed into another Smith and the Oracle clone Smith pulls of his shades and laughs malevolently with a giant smirk/grin on his face "Xia!?!"  Smith whispers with a worried surprised tone as he turns his head when he hears her run away the clone stops laughing....

Xia makes herself wake up and she is now back on the Hammer Bane was standing over her staring at her brushing her hair with his fingers she stands up quickly and pushes his hand away "don't you touch me!"  she growls at him she noticed the cuts on his arms "trying to make sure it's all real!?!.... that you truly can feel!?!.... how touching!"  she continues sarcastically "but don't you EVER touch me again!!"  she growls darkly then walks away and he watches her as she goes.... Xia goes with Trinity and Neo onto the Logos which Bane had snuck aboard.... Neo and Xia hear Trinity's voice over the comm say "Neo it's Bane he's psychotic!"  and they rush down to help her.... "Mr Anderson"  Bane says as they enter the room where he is holding Trinity with a switchblade knife at her throat and he continues though his eyes never leave Xia "I see your just as predictable in this world as you are in others"  Neo asks confused "what?"  Trinity says "he's out of his mind"  Xia replies "no.... he isn't... not really!"  she turns to Neo then says "think Neo!.... who besides me calls you that?!.... though he doesn't say it in the same joking manner that I do!"  Neo's eyes widen then he says "Smith!!"  Xia nods then says "in a way yes.... the man within.... the one you call Bane is like that small voice inside someones head that no one listens to.... not a conscious precisely.... but.... it's there... and very faint.... trying to fight and losing!"  Bane says "that's my girl...."  Xia growls "I am NOT "your girl"!.... is that all this is another bout for control!.... using how I feel against me!.... so you can.... what exactly!?!.... the Smith I know never used my friendship with Neo to his advantage!.... as a matter of fact he tired to keep me away from the dangers he caused when it came to....! I won't allow it!!.... whatever this is.... I won't allow it!!.... I won't be used!.... I won't allow my heart to become.... misguided!.... broken!.... no.... I'm done... with ALL of this!!.... with YOU!!"  she screams then turns to Neo and says "do what you must"  and walks away Neo notices her touch and rub her belly as she rushes off in the opposite direction....

"Well thank you for bringing me the gun you can set it down right there"  Bane says to Neo "don't do it shoot shoot now"  Trinity orders "yes shoot fry us burn us alive"  Bane replies "do it if you don't he will kill us both"  Trinity orders "look at him he knows he should do it but he won't"  Bane replies Neo watches Bane and realizes that Xia is right Smith would have worried about her he had seen it once before in the courtyard Bane on the other hand has shown no such emotion about Xia at all this "Smith" considers her a toy "do it"  Trinity orders/begs as Bane says "he can't"  Neo lowers the gun and says "if you remembered how you feel about Xia and our roles were reversed.... you wouldn't either!"  Bane's eyes widen at Neo's words "I find it interesting that she loves him.... but HATES you!"  Neo continues "back away from the gun and turn around"  Bane orders Neo does as he asks but doesn't take his eyes of the woman he loves or the man holding a knife to her throat "let her go"  Neo orders as he finally turns completely around though he turned his head to keep looking in their direction he hears Trinity grunt as she gets thrown into a small hole in the floor and as Neo runs back in the direction of where they once were Bane rushes forward closing the circular door and the two men fight one another till the gun is pointed at Neo while in Bane's hands "somehow familiar isn't it? we've been here before you and I remember? I do I think of nothing else.... well beside... you know....! I don't know how you stand it.... being encased in this rotting piece of meat the stink of it filling each breath a suffocating cloud you can't escape...."  Bane spits onto the floor then continues "disgusting.... though her scent!.... her scent is quite magnificently ravishing!.... enticingly delicious!.... Xia.... my beautiful Xia!"  Bane whispers soft then goes back to his rant "look at how pathetically fragile it is nothing this weak is meant to survive.... you already know what I want... she told you who I am!.... my brilliant love!.... just look past the flesh look through the gelatin of these dull cow eyes and see your enemy.... there is no where I can't go there is no where I won't find you.... it's inevitable goodbye Mr. Anderson"  the two men start to fight once more as the lights go out while fighting Neo gets hit by an electrical wire and by hit I mean it gets pushed into his face by Bane Bane chuckles when he sees it and says as he backs away "I wish you could see yourself Mr. Anderson Blind messiah"  as Bane disappears.....

 Anderson Blind messiah"  as Bane disappears

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Xia reappears and reaches for Neo he grips her hard and starts to fight her until he hears her soft tones say "it's okay Neo

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Xia reappears and reaches for Neo he grips her hard and starts to fight her until he hears her soft tones say "it's okay Neo.... it's just me!"  he stops then asks with a curious tone "Xia!?!"  she answers with a smile lifting his hands up so he can feel the smile "yes!"  he smiles in return "sight is over rated anyway!.... and you don't look half bad!"  she teases and he chuckles "you'd be surprised how much better you see without it!"  she continues "but I fear you must do this on your own my friend.... this was always meant to be between the two of you!"  she tells him he nods as he walks off to find Bane using his hands to help him along the way "I am sorry Neo!"  she whispers softly as he leaves "you're a symbol for all of your kind Mr Anderson helpless, pathetic, just waiting to be put out of your misery"  Bane says as Neo gets closer to him he swings a crowbar in Neo's general direction Neo dodges it and the fight once again starts.... I suppose it is never ending and when it does end it starts up again.... Neo blocks each swing Bane makes and Neo says "I can see you"  Neo brings Bane to his knees in a few small moves and lifts the crowbar above his head but stops before he takes a swing he can't help the fact that Xia came to mind after all she loves this man the one she sees anyway he knows she doesn't see the man she loves in Bane but it still made him stop just thinking about her "it's not over Mr. Anderson it's not over"  Bane says looking up at Neo Xia takes the crowbar out of Neo's hand and stabs Bane in the heart and with each word she speaks she digs the crowbar deeper into his chest "right now Bane... yes.... it.... is!"  then she pulls the crowbar out swings the crowbar like a baseball bat and hits him directly in the temple she turns to Neo and says "go on!.... go get her!"  and with a smile he rushes out to go find Trinity

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