The many faces of Smith

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Xia goes with Neo to meet the Oracle they walk side by side in the China Town district Neo watches her with wonder and interest as she stops and chats with each shop keeper in their own language she even buys a few things.... she keeps the conversations short so he is not late.... "for the children.... I sometimes visit the Oracle myself.... though not to speak with her.... just.... their innocents.... intrigues me!.... is that the right phrase!?!.... I sometimes get it wrong!"  she tells him he laughs and wraps his arm around her shoulder "I'm pretty sure your family thinks your talking to air"  she says he tilts his head in confusion "I don't have a code.... I am unsure why.... it's just always been that way.... since I was a child"  she tells him he opens the door and allows her to walk in first "such a gentleman!"  she teases Neo laughs softly then she turns to the man in white sitting cross legged on a stool with his hands on his knees..... quite possibly drinking sake.... she bows before him and says soft friendly tone "hello Seraph"  he nods his head in a formal greeting to her "I will go.... stand over there!"  she says as she points to the furthest corner "or steal your little table stool for myself.... though that might not be safe... so corner it is!"  she teases he smiles at her and she walks over to the corner then sits and waits....

After fighting Seraph Neo turns to Xia and asks "did you have to do the same thing!?!"  her smile tells him that she did "I think he does it for fun!"  she teases as she stands up "you do not truly know someone till you fight them"  Seraph says in his soft soothing tone "see.... for fun!"  she teases nudging Seraph playfully on the shoulder with her own Seraph smiles then says "come she's waiting"  Neo and Xia follow Seraph through the door into a pathway with many doors she stands in-between the two men as they walk looking from one to the other as they speak smiling at the two men.... as Neo speaks with the Oracle Xia stands next to Seraph they chat softly about random things she gave him some of the gifts she bought and the special one that she picked out just for him (think of a gift you would think he would like and that is what Xia gave to him) she has always liked the seemingly quiet man but never took the time to get too close in fear of what might follow she felt a tiny spark of something for Seraph when she first met him but that went away after she met Smith.... she had some feelings for the man they just weren't as strong as how she feels for Smith it is quite possible he made it that way though had never expected a Agent of all people to take his place in her heart..... she has always considered the soft spoken protector a friend he even became a member of her small "family" just like Neo....

As the Oracle gets ready to leave Xia feels a strange yet familiar presence he seemed.... torn.... as though there were many different pieces of him all over the place she bows before Seraph and he bows back then he walks over to the Oracle and the two of them leave that is when she sees him the man she loves walking toward the man she considers family "Neo!!"  she whispers in a soft worried tone walking up to her friend he holds out a hand to stop her "it will be ok!"  he tells her calmly "you don't understand!.... he's.... different!.... it's like there are more of him!"  she says softly he looks at her confused but she steps back to where she and Seraph stood as Smith walks closer to Neo a flock of crows fly away as he continues to take steps closer to "The One".... "Mr. Anderson"  Smith says as he gets closer Neo turns and takes a few steps toward him then asks "did you get my package?"  Neo kept his attention only on Smith so that he wouldn't look over at Xia as he answers "yeah"  Smith replies "well good surprised to see me?"  Neo answers "no"  Smith says "then you're aware of it"  Neo asks "of what?"  Smith replies "our connection"  as she listens Xia begins to wonder if that is why she fell in love with Smith with her being so close to Neo and with Neo being her only friend is the connection the two men now share the reason she feels the way she feels for him?! "I don't fully understand how it happened perhaps a part of you imprinted onto me something overwritten or copied it is at this point irrelevant what matters is that whatever happened happened for a reason" Smith says "and what reason is that?" Neo asks "I killed you Mr. Anderson I watched you die with a certain satisfaction I might add and then something happened something I knew was impossible but it happened anyway you destroyed me Mr. Anderson"  Smith replies....

Xia begins to wonder if they brought Smith back to "finish what he started" in hopes that he would "finally" succeed she has a feeling that someone doesn't want Neo to "win" that someone wants the war to continue and the destruction that goes along with it Smith continues "afterward I knew the rules I understood what I was suppose to do but I didn't I couldn't I was compelled to stay compelled to disobey and now here I stand because of you Mr. Anderson because of you I am no longer an agent of this system because of you I've changed I'm unplugged a new man so to speak like you apparently free"  Xia thinks to herself.... "no bit of freedom comes without a price my love.... so what is it!?!.... what's the price you must pay!?!"  as Neo says "congratulations"  a small smile forms on the corner of her lips at Neo's reply "thank you"  Smith replies with a seemingly satisfied smile then he continues "but as you well know appearances can be deceiving which brings me back to the reason why we're here we're not here because we are free we're here because we are not free there's no escaping reason no denying purpose because as we both know without purpose we would not exist"  another Smith walks in and Xia gasps in surprise taking a step back her back hits the wall behind her as he speaks through the clones mouth "it is purpose that created us"  a whole group/army of Smith clones walk in one speaking after the other "purpose that connects us"  Neo and the possibly real Smith look at each of them as the clones speak "purpose that pulls us"  Xia's eyes dart from one to the other unsure how to process what she is witnessing "that guides us" "that drives us" "it is purpose that defines" "purpose that binds us"  there is now a full circle of Smith's surrounding the Smith that started it all and Neo the Smith that started it all speaks once more and Neo looks at him "we are here because of you Mr. Anderson we're here to take from you what you tried to take from us"

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