At The Club

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Xia looks Agent Smith up and down as he approaches her in the leather jacket with a smile on her face and a raised eyebrow "I suppose I'm going to have to store this sight in my memory banks for I'm sure I shall never see it again!"  she teases he chuckles how is it possible that she causes him to do such things?! smile, laugh there is a sense of happiness within him when she is around and he wanted more of that she loops her arm through his and says looking up into his sunglass covered eyes still smiling "well.... shall we!?!"  and they walk into the club arm in arm.... Xia and Smith sit at a small round table and end up talking for what seemed like hours but was in truth only a few minutes she excused herself to go and use the ladies room as she stood up and walked away she noticed many of the waitresses walk over to Agent Smith and continuously hand him one drink after another once he finished one they replaced it with another he looked confused but took each with a forced smile and drank them Xia smiles and laughs softly at his "fan club" on her way to the ladies room she bumps into a muscular chest "oh.... sorry!"  she apologized to whoever it was then she heard a familiar voice say in surprise "Xia!?!"  she looks up at it's owner and says with a surprised tone "Neo!?!"  there was laughter in his voice when he says to her "I didn't know this was your kind of scene!"  she smiles then replies "I could say the same about you!"  he laughs and shrugs then says "I got bored!"  he looks at her dress and his eyes widen "don't you dare!.... or your secret will no longer be a secret!"  she teases he laughs then says "hey.... I'm not complaining.... so where are you headed?!"  she replies "well I was suppose to be headed to the ladies room... but I'm no lady.... so I am not really sure!"  his laughter grows "it was good to see you Neo"  she says and he smiles "you too Xi"  she laughs and hugs him Neo heads out of the club and Xia heads back to her seat Agent Smith had seen the hug but not the man she hugged's face he didn't ask about it either though she didn't really give him a chance for she started the conversation where they had left off....

Xia was sure that if Agent Smith was human like she was he would have quite possibly been drunk or really good at holding his liquor for the waitresses kept bringing him more drinks than he asked for "you seemed to have quite a few admirers Agent Smith!"  she teases him with a smile as she walks back over to their table "is that so!?!"  he replies she nods still smiling.... an alluring smile that seems to be only for him.... then asks with a playful tone "why else would you be getting more drinks than you ordered!?!"  he looks at her "shall we go?!"  she asks and he nods they stand up and walk out of the club arm in arm.... once they get outside Xia turns to Agent Smith and says "I am not my mother Agent Smith!.... I know what people see!.... but I am more than that!.... and it's time for people to find that out!.... some people don't realize that all they need is an understanding ear to listen.... they think that.... going that far feeling that type of intimacy fake or not will make them feel better.... make it easier.... but that isn't always true!.... I have done as my parents ordered from the moment I was born.... it's time that I follow my own rules for a change!.... let my heart not my body lead me to where I'm suppose to be!.... for I no longer will be ordered around like that!.... I will tell you this much.... I'm surprised that since your kind knew about me for so long.... that you didn't use me sooner!"  he calls for a company car to pick them up and they climb in.... when they reach his home he climbs out then reaches his hand out to help her climb out she takes it then slides out of the car looking over at his small ranch style house he walks her up the long walk way to the front door once he unlocks and opens it then allows her to enter first....

Living with Agent Smith has been an exhilarating experience for Xia and also a very confusing one he gave her her own room which he never entered.... her feelings for him only became stronger with each passing day.... Agent Smith found her intriguing as well as confusing.... they spent just about every waking moment together.... when he wasn't off doing what he was programmed to do.... they talked and cooked ate together if someone was watching them they may think that they were a married couple

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